Construct-5 : Finger on The Trigger

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Upon opening the door using the access card he obtained from one of the guards, Evolto entered and investigated the room.

" So this was the armory, huh? "

He commented, seeing rows of weapons lined up on the walls, as well as on the long table right in front of him.

" Hmm..."

Evolto hummed to himself.

' The technological-level of this world is not inferior to that of the previous Japan.

Thought Evolto as he inspected a handgun. The Proto Pistols, produced using the USP series as a reference, is able to undergo multiple upgrades to match it's user's capabilities.

' A lot of room for upgrades and improvements to be done, so much so as if it was built incomplete on purpose. '

' And this sword as we- '

[ ALERT ! ]

[ ALERT ! ]



" Oh? That took a while, but I guess it's my cue to leave. "

" But before that, might as well take some souvenirs for myself. "

He then proceeded to acquire himself two pistols, as well as a pair of magazines, and a pulse energy blade ( Proto Pulse Tachi ).

' Come to think of it now, it has been a while since I've last used a sword. '

Evolto thought to himself, recalling the battle between him and a certain queen of Mars.

' Damn you, Vernage. '

Just then, Evolto noticed something.

" That's right, I am still naked aren't I ? "

He then proceeded to stick his head outside the room, peeking left and right into the hallways.

' Ah, that's it! '

He spotted one of the bodies of the guards he had killed.


" Guess this'll do for now. "

Evolto said to himself, after putting on the battlesuit he claimed from one of the bodies.

' A bit too snug for my taste....oh, well. Let's just get out of here. '

" Ah! Before that, I almost forgot about something. "

" Yo! Mister Pervert-Whoever-Is-Watching! "

Evol said as he changed his line of sight towards one of the corners of the room.

A corner with a security camera on it.

" You've been keeping your eyes on me for a while, haven't you? "

" Well, I've just arrived here a couple minutes ago, you see. "

" I'm not really familliar with the customs around here, so I've been walking around to find the receptionist, you see. "

" Sorry for causing a whole commotion. So, I won't overstay my 'welcome' here anymore. "

" Ah. Also, sorry for the guards as well. "

" Well then, ciao! "

Were the last words of Evolto to his observer, right before shooting down the camera.

[ Evol Phase : 0 ]

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