Construct-19 : Evol & Rabbit ( I )

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" A....rabbit...? "


Evolto said to himself, the creature in front of him letting out a cute squeak in response.

However, despite the creature's cuteness and harmless appearance, Evolto's mind was in turmoil right now as the creature in front of him reminded him of his mortal enemy.

The one who put an end to his schemes of consuming the Earth.

The one responsible for killing him and his arrival into this world.

" !! "

Suddenly, the moment of his death is beginning to resurface in his mind.

[ Rabbit! ]

' No... '

[ Dragon! ]

' No..... '


' It can't be... '

" This is the end! "

' Impossible....he can't be here....! '

" You think you can destroy me?! "



" !! "

The rabbit squeaked, snapping Evolto out of his thoughts.

It then began to hop towards him in a rabbit-like manner, something that might have looked adorable to others, but to the current Evolto it was as if he is seeing the Grim Reaper itself approaching him in order to take him back to that endless void.

" NO! "


He shouted at the creature, in an attempt to drive it away from him.

However, as if not taking notice of this, the fluff ball continued to hop towards him, coming closer and closer towards his feet.

Evolto however, seeing the creature was already close to him, is frozen in place as he realized it is too late to make a break for it.

He can only watch as the white devil inches ever so closely towards him, before finally being mere millimeters away from him.


The girl shouted at the top of her lungs as she braced herself and closed her eyes, expecting to be in a world of hurt.

" .... "

But the pain never came.



" ....? "

Realising that she was still alive, and wanting to confirm it, she began to slowly open her eyes.

She was then greeted by the sight of a white fluffy ball near her feet.

The rabbit is currently using it's small pink nose to sniff Evolto, letting out small purring sounds as it did so.

" Ahhh.... "

" *Phew* "

Evolto sighed in relief as his legs gave out, his bottom falling onto the floor as he felt all the energy being drained out of him.

" Haha.... "

He let out a small chuckle.

" Of course he's not here.... "

He said to himself in sweet realisation.

Turning his attention back to the ball of fluff on his feet which, is still sniffing him, he began picking it up.

" You really gave me quite the scare there.... "

" Well....I don't know if this counts as revenge, but I am definitely going to enjoy emptying the life out of you. "

The pale-haired girl then opened her mouth.

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