Experiment-2 : Destiny's Play

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On the main road outside Soukai City

It was deep into the night.

A car was driving with it's headlights on.

[ When I see your face...]

One can hear music coming from the radio in said car.

" Hm,hm,hm,hm.....hm.... "

As well as the voice of a man humming in tune with the song.

[ There's not a thing that I would change! ]

[ 'Cause you're amazing! ]

" [ Just the way you are...! ] "

The man sang along the lyrics of the tune.

[ And when you– ]

" !! "

However, the music was suddenly interrupted by the sound of the car's brake screeching.


" What in the– "

The man rolled down his window in order to take a better look at the thing that stood in front of the vehicle.

" A....rabbit...? "

It was a white rabbit. The color of it's eyes unclear due to them reflecting the car's lights back at their observer.

" Wait.... "

" Is that... "

" A person....?! "

Upon closer inspection of his surroundings, the edges of the car's headlights  had illuminated a section of the roadside, revealing the figure of a white-haired person(?) passed out on the ground.

He then proceeded to produce a handgun as well as a flashlight out of the glovebox compartment inside of the dashboard, before exiting his vehicle.

Slowly, the man approached the person(?), being cautious as he undid the safety on his pistol as he readied himself, the possibility that the thing on the ground could be a zombie that resulted from the honkai didn't slip his mind.

As he got close enough, he noticed that there were three more rabbits that surrounded the figure.

' More rabbits...? ' The man thought to himself.

Taking a stick from the ground, he used it to poke the figure.

" .... "

' No movements.... '

Deciding it would be safe to investigate further, he pocketed his gun, before turning the body over.

' It's....a girl? '

" !! "

Suddenly, out of nowhere, he opened one of the girl's eyes, shining the light from the flashlight to reveal blue eyes behind the closed eyelids.

As he saw the blue jewel, memories came rushing to his mind. Happy ones, embarassing ones, joyful ones, yet the most prominent of them all being a painful one. The girl in his memory, the one with the very same white hair and blue eyes as the girl in front of him, was the centre of it all.

' Eva... '

He recalled the girl's name, his one and only beloved daughter, as the one lying on the ground reminded him of her visage.

He then hurriedly took the girl's hand as he put two fingers on her wrist.

As he did so, he prayed that the girl in front of him hasn't given up yet.

He felt a pulse.

" ....Thank god. She's alive... "

Happiness filled the man's heart before being immediately overcame by worry for the white haired girl.

Deciding that the girl needs immediate medical care, he lifted her into his arms, and gently laid her down inside the back seat of the car.

He then went back to the previous spot to pick up a satchel that he spotted was besides the girl, as well as the three rabbits just now.

" Hm? "

" What's this? "

However, just as he went to pick up the satchel, he noticed something on the spot the white haired girl laid on.

Picking it up, it was a capsule like object that resembled a bottle.

On it's golden cap was a symbol of a gear being surrounded by a circle.

The body of the capsule resembles the face of a monster, with two yellow eyes as well as fangs.

Finally, on the body of the bottle was the symbol of a Cobra enclosed by what seems to be gears.


The albino rabbit that had stopped him prior let out a squeak from in front of the car.

" Hm? "

" You guys are coming as well? "

As he asked the rabbits, all of them let out a squeak in unison.

** Squeak! **

The man then picked up the rabbits before putting them on the passenger seat, driving away to the direction of Soukai City.


Author: Second arc finished, at last. Yay!

Also, next chapter we will be welcoming a (familliar) guest character from another fanfic.

Now, if you've read similar stories to this one, this chapter should be a dead giveaway on who the man is. But for those of you who have not read the story this oc is from, I'll not spoil the surprise for you :)

Well then, ciao!

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