Construct-24 : Brew ( II )

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A few hours later

Evolto is in a pantry-like room, as evidenced by the counter connected to the wall, as well as a wall-mounted cupboard over said counter.

She is currently rummaging through the cupboards, looking to find something.

" Oh? Is this it...? "

She said, finally finding the thing that she has been looking for.

It was a transparent jar with a black lid, inside it containing numerous small black beans.

On the jar was the label : (Black Coffee).

Grabbing the jar with her hands, she started laughing maniacally.

" Hahahahaha....! "

" Yes...! "

" This is what I have been looking for! "

Ever since she found the iron kettle in one of the abandoned buildings, she had been experiencing an unexplainable urge to consume the caffeinous substance once more, despite her dislike towards it's unpleasant taste.

' Well, seems like the exploration was a success. '

' Not only did I gain some truly valuable information, plus I even got some coffee beans out of it...! '

When Evolto explored the abandoned town hall a few hours prior, she had came across a piece of paper on the receptionist counter in the room where she first entered.

It was an emergency notice, on it was written where the survivors of the Honkai Outbreak that happened in this town evacuated to.

' Soukai City, huh...? '

She recalled the name written on the paper.

' If I remember correctly, it should be a city a few kilometres away from here.... '

After some more investigation, Evolto found out that the town she is in currently is located not too far away from this Soukai City.

With the investigation, she was able to make out a few keypoints regarding her location.

She was currently in a place that resembles China in her previous world.

However, she had never heard of any city in China named Soukai City.

With these two seemingly contradictory facts, she was able to come to one conclusion.

' This is an another world after all, huh...? '

Indeed, the world she is in currently isn't the new world created as a result of the merging of her old world with a parallel world, but rather a whole another world entirely.

' Every universal counterpart that is present in both worlds will be merged, and for those that is unique to either worlds, will be erased... '

She thought to herself, recalling the principle behind her former enemy's plan to defeat her once and for all.


Despite this new knowledge however, Evolto was left stumped by the revelation as more questions surfaced from it.

The main problem however, was deciding her next course of action in this world.

' Should I find a way back to the old one? Or should I stay here and regain my power to destroy this world...? '

' Then again, I can just do both... '

She contemplated her future plans.

Then, she shrugged her shoulders as she stopped thinking about what to do in the future.

' Oh well. Future plans can wait. Now what's more important is brewing me some coffee! '

Evolto then hastily exited the building, rushing back to the house where she came from.

A few minutes later

It was now night time, inside one of the abandoned houses, a kettle was on the floor, settled on a pile of burning wood.

One can hear the sound of boiling water coming from it.



* BOIL *

Evolto had used the kettle she found in one of the abandoned buildings to boil the water that came from one of the working pipes in the house.

Currently, the white-haired girl is crushing some coffee beans by clenching them tightly in her hands.


Due to her enhanced strenght, the beans found themselves turned to dust when Evolto opened her hands.

She then used a cup that she found in the same building she got the coffee beans from, and put the black powder in her hands inside it.


" Oh? Perfect timing! "

She rejoiced, taking the whistling kettle by the handle as she poured hot water inside the cup containing the coffee grounds.

She then mixed the mixture of coffee and water together using her finger.

" (sniffs)....Ahhh, smells just like how I remembered it. "

" (chuckles)....Well, now that I am in a new world and a new body, surely it won't taste unpleasant now, right? "

' It might even taste good! '

She convinced herself in her mind.

" Well then, itadakimasu( Thanks for the meal )! "

* SIP *

* GULP *

She then drank the black liquid.


Before immediately spitting it out as it entered her mouth.



Evolto then started coughing.

" (cough)....Ughhh... "

" Even in another world, I see that this thing is as repulsive as ever... "

She then noticed that one of the rabbits had been eyeing the coffee beans inside the jar, slowly coming closer towards it.

" Oh no, you don't...! "

Evolto then quickly snatched the coffee beans away.

" You stupid vermin! Don't you know that this is poisonous towards your speci– "

' Wait, hold on. Why do I care whether or not the rodent dies...?! '

The rabbit that was interested in the coffee beans is now looking at Evolto who took the jar away from it's sights.

" ....(stare).... "

" A‐Anyway, you can't have these coffee beans! I'm the one who found them! "

" They're mine! "

Evolto shouted at the rabbit, which in turn attracted the attention of all the other rabbits as they hopped towards Evolto, each one of them ogling the jar in her hands.

" W‐What are the rest of you lots looking at?! "

" ....(stare).... "

" ....(stare).... "

" ....(stare).... "

" ....(stare).... "

" ....Stay away from my coffee beans! "

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