Construct-45 : A Second Chance ( II )

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" You can call me Eva Winters. "

" You...You're the little girl from just now... "

" ...And I see that you've met my "twin". But rest assured, you will find me and her to be.....very different. "

Dr.Magi actually agreed with her on that one, for better or for worse.

" ...So, what do we do, now? "

" We head back, of course. A plane to Soukai City will be here in 4 hours. I've already procured a ticket for the both of us. Though... "

She looked at Dr.Magi, wondering if the people will bought the narrative she's about to tell them.

And by people, she doesn't just mean the airport security but also....

' Well, it'll work itself out. ' she decided to cross that bridge once she gets to it.

* BOom.... *

" Hm? "

" That was...! "

An explosion had rang out in the distance, presumably from the reactor set to detonate by Dr.Magi.

" ....Thank god I've set it to self-destruct earlier.... " he shudders at the thought of what would have happened had he allowed the reactor to undergo meltdown.

" Don't be thanking god, yet. "

" ? "

" We've got company. "


On the other side of the building

* BOom.... *

" Good job, Dr.Magi. Singapore is safe. " Fu Hua said as she looked towards the explosion.

She is currently on the same building Evolto and Dr.Magi is perched on.

Gently letting down the white-haired girl in her arms, Fu Hua was about to retrieve the Gem of Serenity from her.


" !! " narrowly missing an attack aimed straight at her face, she tilted her head to the right, causing the fist to just nearly brush up againts her, knocking off her glasses when it does so.

The white-haired then quickly shot to her feet.

" Hur...hur...You move pretty fast... "

She covered her face with her hand as she said this.

Between the fingers, an amber eye is looking at Fu Hua.

" Kiana...she's under control of something within the gem. "

Fu Hua then recalled the 'mission' handed over to her by the Overseer.

The one regarding a certain secret project of his.

" You...should I call you Sirin? "

" How do you know my name? "

Fu Hua then took a fighting stance, ready to take her on as soon as she shows signs of attacking.

" Return to your slumber, Sirin...Or I'll make you sleep. "

" HAHA! You're good at dodging questions, Valkyrie. "

Sirin seemed to not be fazed at all by Fu Hua's threat, before retorting back with one of her own.

" Don't worry, I'll break all your limbs...and then I'll ask you nicely about how you know my- "

* step *

* step *

* step *

" ! "

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