Construct-17 : Just The Beginning

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Somewhere, at a deserted town.

A girl was lying on the floor in what seemed to be an abandoned house, judging from the cracks in the wall as well as the trickles of water dripping onto her.

" Ugh... "

Groaning, the girl slowly opened her eyes, revealing two blue orbs.

"— "

" Urk! "

The girl then pushed herself off the cold floor, before clenching her chest in pain.

" Ouch... "

The girl exclaimed in pain.

She then noticed something on the spot she had just been lying on.

" !! "

Not wasting any time looking at it she hastily seized it.

Holding it in her hands, the object is shaped like a lever, with the handle being blue and the rest of it being red.

' There's no mistaking it.... '

' This is the EV-Lever...! '

The lever is actually the crank part of Evolto's own Evol Driver.

How it got to where he was a mystery, even for him.

" More importantly....where am I? "

She questioned.

' I just used my remaining energy to warp as far away as I can to get out of that damned forest with no particular destination in mind.... '

' I can't believe it worked.... '

Evolto exclaimed internally, he himself found it surprising that he was still able to teleport without his Evol Driver.

' Also... '

" Is this what this body sounds like...? "

He commented on his current voice.

" Well, those questions can wait... "

" First, I need to find something to eat. This body is already weak enough as it is... "


Just then, the girl heard some rattling sounds behind her.

Whipping her head around, she found the culprit of the noise to be a rat that had crawled over some pieces of debris.

Not even giving the rat any chance to react, she swiftly grabbed it.

Before sinking her teeth into it's body.



The image of what is happening currently will surely make even the boldest of hearts feel nauseous.

Just as the girl finished draining all the life out of the poor creature, she dropped it's shriveled body onto the floor and wiped the bloodstains around her mouth.

" Aaahhh... "

She said in pleasure.

" That was good... "

" But it wasn't enough.... "

" This body requires a lot of sustenance doesn't it....? "

' Luckily, there seems to be a lot of these animals around here.... '

" Well then, it's time for a celebratory feast...! "

And so, Evolto went on a rat hunting spree.

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