Construct-15 : Evolution : 01

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Back to The Present

' Why is it still chasing after me?! '

' Damn it, Damn it, DAMN IT! '

' There is no way I am about to go out like this! '



" !! "

The Assaka that was pursuing him knocked down another tree that was standing in it's way, causing Evolto to promptly quicken his sprint in order to hopefully outpace the monster.

' Damn it! '

' Its just one problem after another...! '

Evolto lamented on his current situation.

" !! "

Suddenly feeling a burning sensation from his rear, Evolto dodge rolled to the side, narrowly avoiding two lasers that were fired at his direction.

The culprit of course being non-other than the honkai beast.

Before he can get back on his feet however, the honkai beast had already performed it's next attack.

Clasping it's two hands together, the Assaka charged towards Evolto, hitting him square as he wasn't given any time to evade the attack.


He cried out in great pain.

The beast then stopped, it's charge launching Evolto several meter's away from it.

As Evolto's body touched the ground he bounced several times before rolling to a stop.

" Ughh... "

" Argh... "

He groaned in pain.

' That attack...broke almost every bone there is in this body....'

' Had I not recovered a little bit just now....I would have died. '

* GRAB *

" URK-! "

The Assaka picked Evolto up using one of it's massive hands.

It dangled the girl over it as it's chest opened up, revealing a pinkish cavity.

It intends to consume Evolto.

' No way... '

' It hasn't even been a day into my new life...and I'm already becoming monster food...?! '

Evolto thought to himself.

[ Hazard Level : 3.6 ]

' If I was in my true form, this monster wouldn't even make me sweat...! '

[ Hazard Level : 3.9 ]

Evolto then felt the monster loosening it's grip on him, intending to drop him into it's 'mouth'

' No! '

' I can't die here...! '

' I haven't even gotten the chance to destroy this world yet...! '

[ Hazard Level : 4.4 ]

The Assaka then let go of Evolto completely, dropping the girl into it's 'mouth'.

As Evolto entered it's mouth, the Assaka closed off it's chest cavity, sealing the girl inside.


The girl screeched in pain.

' It hurts...!! '

' I am being digested alive.....!!! '

[ Hazard Level : 4.9 ]

' I haven't even gotten the chance to look down on anyone yet...! '

' I havent even gotten the chance to feel those emotions yet...! '

' NO! '

' I REFUSE....! '


[ Evol Phase : 0 ]

[ Hazard Level : 5.0 ]

Kamen Rider Evol : Another EndWhere stories live. Discover now