Construct-27 : Ready? Go! To Soukai City! ( I )

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" Hmm....Alright, that should be everything.... "

Evolto said, tying an iron kettle to a satchel bag she had found.

She had now spent almost a week in the abandoned town, and after scavenging all of the buildings for resources, she's now ready for her journey to Soukai City.

After searching the town, some of the things she found include the satchel bag she is currently using to hold her stuff, as well as a pair of clothes consisting of a black t-shirt and a pair of sweatpants. To top it off she wore a jacket over the clothing, and underneath everything is the battlesuit she had snatched from one of the Schicksal guards.

Inside the satchel bag are some portable water bottles she had found, a cup, and of course, the coffee beans.

" Now then, time to leave this town. "

She then proceeded to carry the satchel bag over her shoulder and headed towards the exit of the house.


However, just before she can say goodbye to the deserted house, a squeak was heard from behind her.

Turning around, she saw the albino rabbit, Nascita staring at her.

" Hm...? "

" ....(stare).... "

Upon a taking a closer look, the rabbit is keeping her gaze locked onto the satchel Evolto is carrying.

" Ah. This, huh...? "

" Well, you see, there's really nothing more for me to do in this town... "

" ....(stare).... "

' ....Why am I saying my goodbyes to a rabbit out of all things....? '

" ....Anyhow....I don't know if you understand this, but this means that I am getting the hell out of here. "

A moment of silence descended upon the two.


Which was then broken by the rabbit in front of Evolto.

" ....I don't know what you're up to, but I am not going to bring you along, you know? "

" So just...stay the hell away from me and live your puny rabbit lives somewhere out of my sight. "

As soon as she said those cold words, Evolto stormed out of the building.

10 minutes later

' Alright, that road should lead to Soukai City! '

She was walking along the town's driveway when she spotted the main road, most likely connecting the town to the city.

Just before she can make a beeline for it however, she found her path obstructed by Honkai Beasts.

Thankfully, she had already spent a week of rest and her current condition has already recovered to the point she is capable of fighting multiple opponents for extended periods of time.

She still kept the fighting to a minimum however, as she sneaked past the ones that didn't notice her presence, and only resorted to fighting when her stealth has been compromised.

" HMPH! "

Evolto grunted as she brought down a flame covered fist, ending a Honkai Beast's life in a single hit.

' Alright, I am already close to the main road! '

' Time to make a break for it! '

Feeling multiple presences similar to the beast she had just slain, Evolto dashed towards the main road before disappearing from the town's sights.

Inside the abandoned house

It had been a couple hours since Evolto had left the deserted town, the moon had already replaced the sun in the sky.

Inside the abandoned house Evolto lived in, Nascita is currently moving to and fro, searching for the pale-haired girl's figure.

Not detecting any signs of her, she decided to look for Evolto outside.

Sniffing the concrete sidewalk, she followed a trail of the girl's scent, before ending up on the edge of the town, right before the main road Evolto had disappeared to.

Unknown to her however, a Honkai Beast is now just a few meters away behind her, intending on snuffing out the rabbit's tiny life.

It then approached her, it's advance silent as it hovered towards the oblivious creature.

Raising one of it's arms, the rodent is oblivious to the fact that it's existence was about to be reduced to a mere smear on the ground.

....At least, that is what should have happened.

Had a flaming foot not crashed into the Honkai Beast, launching it a few tens of metres away from the rabbit.

" Yo, stupid vermin. "

" Long time no see. "

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