I Cannot Lose You💞🥺

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Abhyudaya stood frozen in his living room, the silence around him deafening. He replayed the argument in his mind, the harsh words he had thrown at Gautami echoing relentlessly.

"How could you be so careless, Gautami? Our audience along with our haters are attacking us because of you! It is all your fault. I made a huge mistake thinking that it would be a good decision to leave the editing this time to you because I was unwell. But turns out I was mistaken!" He shouted with anger.

The pain in her eyes had been unmistakable but he had been too consumed by his frustration to care. Now, she was gone. Her last words, "I cannot do this anymore Abhyudaya. I am leaving. If you think all of this is my fault, then fine. Goodbye and do not ever contact me again," haunted him.

Desperate, he dialed her number again and it straight went to her voicemail. He tried again. And again. He tried multiple times to reach out to her but each time, the silence on the other end gnawed at him. He could not lose her. Not like this.

In a last-ditch effort, he called her mother. The phone rang, and he felt a flicker of hope when she picked up his call.

"Hello aunty. It is me Abhyudaya. Is Gautami there with you?" His voice trembled with urgency.

"No Abhyudaya. She left for the airport a while ago. She mentioned she had some personal work to attend to."

"Which flight? Where is she going?"

"She did not tell me but she looked upset and did not have her food properly also. I think something may have happened with the two of you but  please, whatever has happened, make the things right Abhyudaya."

The line went dead and he sprang into action. He grabbed his keys and rushed out the door, his heart pounding with fear and regret. Of losing her forever all because of himself.

At the airport, Gautami sat in the departure lounge, trying to hold back her tears. She could not believe Abhyudaya had blamed her for the hateful comments on their channel.

They had been best friends for years, and no such incident had ever took place between them which had been this huge before. Being best friends, both of them had their fair share of certain arguments but this one had escalated too far and this cut deeper than anything she had ever felt.

Gautami checked her phone. More than 20+ missed calls and unread messages from Abhyudaya. A whole lot of them to be precise. Her heart ached taking a glance at them but she could not face him right now. She was very much hurt and upset with him and the way he behaved with her.

"Final call for passengers boarding Flight 201 to Spain," the announcement blared over the speakers.

She took a deep breath and stood up, wiping her tears and ready to leave everything behind. Even him, her best friend whom she had been loving from quite a long time unknown to him.

Abhyudaya burst into the airport, his eyes scanning the crowd frantically. He approached the information desk, out of breath.

"Excuse me, has Flight 201 to Spain departed yet?"

The attendant looked up. "Not yet but the boarding has begun now."

"Thank you!" He sprinted towards the gate, weaving through the throngs of travelers. There she was, at the boarding gate handing over her ticket.

"Gautami!" Abhyudaya shouted.

She froze in her position, recognizing his voice immediately. Slowly, she turned around, her eyes wide with shock and confusion.

"Gautami, please wait and listen to me!" He called again, running towards her.

She hesitated, feeling a whirlwind of her mixed emotions. She did not know whether to run back to him wrapping her hands around him or to go away from him. She found herself stuck in a deep dilemma.

"Please," Abhyudaya begged as he reached near her and held her hand, gasping for breath. "Please don't go. I am very sorry for everything Gautami. Please don't."

Tears welled up in her eyes, not being able to hold them up anymore. "Why did you say those things Abhyudaya? Do you really think all of it was and is my fault?"

"No. It is not your fault. None of it is," he said, his voice breaking. "I was just frustrated and scared. The comments stinged very badly, and I took it all out on you which was not fair at all for you. I regret it very much but at the same time, I realized one more thing. The pain and insecurity of losing you hurts a million times more than all those comments Gautami. I cannot lose you. Not like this. I....I lo....I love you Gautami."

Her heart skipped a beat. She had never heard him say those words before but could not believe what she had just heard. Gautami was confused whether she was seeing a dream or was it actually reality. "What? You...you love me? Like in actual?"

"Yes I do in actual. I love you Gautami. More than anything. More than my best friend. I was a fool not to realize it sooner. Please give me another chance to make things right. I promise I would not hurt you again."

She looked into his eyes, searching for any sign of insincerity but all she saw was genuine remorse and love for her in his eyes.

"Alright," she whispered, her voice barely audible. "I have made up my mind."

"I understand and I will respect whatever is your decision. It will not just yours but I would consider it mine too."

Gautami rested her hand on his cheek with tears rolling down her eyes. "I am not going anywhere anymore. I will be staying but only for you because I love you too Abhi."

Without saying anything else, Abhyudaya pulled her into a tight embrace, tears streaming down both their faces. "Thank you Gautami. I promise I will never hurt you again. I love you my sweetheart."

Gautami smiled and felt butterflies in her stomach. "I love you too and promise me that we will always be there for each other and not leave any one of us alone no matter how much we may fight or how much troubles come in our way. We will face all of our hurdles together."

Abhyudaya pulled away from the hug and kissed her forehead. "I promise Gautami. I am always there for you from now to our forever."

She smiled looking at him and hugged him again tightening her hold on him this time and he hugged her back resting his face on her forehead gently.

As they stood there, wrapped in each other's arms, the world around them seemed to fade away. They had found their way back to each other and this time, nothing would tear them apart.
Promising their love and devotion to one another for their lifetime having each other in their new beginning of  utmost love and a never ending special bond of friendship of theirs❤

The end☺🌼

More oneshots coming soon, stay tuned🌸🤗


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