Here For You Always💕

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Nischay drove through the rain-soaked streets, his mind preoccupied with the day's events. As he turned a corner, he barely had time to react when he saw a figure walking aimlessly in the middle of the road. He swerved, but it was too late. The thud echoed in his ears as he brought the car to a screeching halt.

His heart pounded as he rushed out to find a young woman lying on the ground, tears still streaming down her face even as she lay unconscious.

"Oh my God," Nischay muttered, panic rising. He carefully lifted her into his car and sped towards the nearest hospital.

Hours later, Nischay paced the waiting area, guilt gnawing at him. He had told the hospital staff everything, insisting they do whatever it took to save her. Finally, the doctor emerged from the operation theatre.

"How is she, doctor?" Nischay asked, his voice trembling.

The doctor sighed, pulling off his mask. "She is out of danger, but it was a pretty serious case. She will need careful monitoring and a lot of care."

Relief washed over Nischay. "Can I see her?"

The doctor nodded. "She is still unconscious, but you can sit with her."

Nischay entered the ICU, his heart heavy. Anaya lay there, looking fragile and pale. He sat by her side, taking her hand gently.

"I am so sorry," he whispered, feeling an overwhelming need to protect her.

As hours turned into days, Nischay stayed by Anaya's side, learning about her from the nurses and piecing together what had happened.

He found out about her heartbreak, the betrayal she had to go through and how she had been walking aimlessly, devastated by what she had seen that day which led to this fateful day.

One evening, Anaya finally stirred, her eyes fluttering open. Confusion crossed her face as she took in her surroundings.

"Where am I?" She croaked, her voice weak.

Nischay leaned forward, relief flooding him. "You are in the hospital. You had an accident."

Anaya's eyes filled with tears as the memories came rushing back. "The accident....I remember. You....You had hit me."

Nischay nodded, guilt evident on his face. "Yes, it was an accident. I am so sorry. I have been here every day, praying you would get better soon."

Anaya studied him, seeing the sincerity in his eyes. "Why would you stay? You do not even know me."

Nischay took a deep breath. "I could not just leave you. I do not know but I just could not. Something drew me towards you which I could not decipher but stay beside you. And....I could not bear the thought of something happening to you."

Anaya's tears flowed again, but this time, they were tears of gratitude. "Thank you. I do not even know your name."

"Nischay," he said softly. "And you?"

"Anaya," she replied, her voice trembling. "I....I do not know what to say."

"You do not have to say anything," Nischay reassured her taking her hand in his caressing it gently. "Just focus on getting better. Do not worry about anything else. I am here for you and I will not leave you. Never ever."

Days turned into weeks and Anaya's condition improved steadily. Nischay was there for her through every step, providing comfort and support. They spent hours talking, sharing stories and slowly, Anaya began to heal emotionally as well as physically.

One evening, as they sat by the hospital window, watching the sunset, Anaya turned to Nischay.

"You know," she began, "when I was lying there, I felt so alone and broken. But have shown me that there is still kindness in the world. It really needs more selfless people like you."

Nischay smiled, taking her hand. "And you have shown me that even in the darkest times, there is always a way to find light. You just have to find it and for me, you are my light Anaya."

"I love you Nischay," Anaya confessed, with a smile looking at him.

"I love you too Anaya but not more than me," Nischay confessed, sharing a slight chuckle making her laugh.

They sat in silence, watching the sun dip below the horizon, hand in hand and both feeling a connection that went beyond words. In that moment, they realized that sometimes, the most unexpected events could lead to the most beautiful beginnings.

The end☺🌼

More oneshots coming soon, stay tuned🌸🤗


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