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So flrst things first, this oneshot although is a fictional one like my other oneshots but this one is based on some actual disturbing details I got to know from my dear friend AnuSlayyLove where in reality, Gautami di's photos which she often posts on her Instagram account gets morphed by some websites mostly on Reddit and the way they are presented there is just utterly shameful along with some disgusting captions and cheap comments about her face and body.

When I saw those screenshots she had sent me and when I myself went on the internet to take a look, I got really disturbed to be honest. Please do not do all this, engage in all these shameful antics nor support all these nonsensical acts. Internet and social media is such a platform nowadays where it does not even take a second to ruin someone's whole life forever in just some nick moments of time. Please do not play with anyone's feelings and disrespect their privacy.

Please put an end to all this and whenever you see something disturbing like this or anything similar, make sure to report that respective account or website from where these shameful and cheap antics come to show!!

Spread love and not hate guys!!🤍🙏🏻

Now after I feel done with my speech, here is the oneshot~

The hum of the city felt distant as Gautami stared at her phone, the disturbing images glaring back at her. Her pictures, once innocuous and joyful had been grotesquely morphed into something unrecognizable. She felt a shiver run down her spine, a blend of fear, anger and intrusive humiliation.

Her bedroom door creaked open slightly. "Gautami, dinner is ready," her mother called softly, her voice filled with love and concern. Gautami quickly shoved her phone under her pillow, forcing a smile.

"I will be there in a minute," she replied, her voice trembling despite her efforts to sound normal.

As soon as the door closed, Gautami's facade crumbled. She sank onto her bed, tears streaming down her face. The fear of her parents discovering these vile images gnawed at her. What would they think? What would society say? The weight of it all made her feel suffocated.

Days turned into weeks and Gautami became a shadow of herself. She started avoiding her friends, especially her best friend Abhyudaya. The fear of him seeing her differently after getting to know about the whole disturbing incident was too much to bear for her. But Abhyudaya was not one to give up that easily. That too on her. His best buddy.

Abhyudaya knocked on Gautami's door, his worry growing with each unanswered text and call. When she finally opened the door, he was struck by how different she looked—paler and more fragile. He felt as if his cheerful buddy had got lost somewhere.

"Gautami, what's going on? You have not been yourself lately," he said, his voice filled with concern.

Gautami looked away, unable to meet his eyes. "It is nothing Abhyudaya. Just....I am just going through some stuff, that is all."

He gently placed a hand on her shoulder. "You know you can tell me anything, right? Whatever it is, we will face it together and you know, I am there for you at all times, right?"

She hesitated, but the sincerity in his eyes broke through her defenses. "Someone....someone has morphed my pictures Abhyudaya. They posted them online, and it is horrible. I am scared. I do not know what to do."

Abhyudaya's eyes widened in shock and anger, not at her, but at the injustice done to her. "Gautami, I am so sorry this happened to you. But this is not your fault. None of it is. Those people are despicable."

Tears welled up in Gautami's eyes. "But what if my parents find out about this situation? What if society starts judging me again? As if it was not enough before. I am so scared Abhyudaya."

He took her hand, squeezing it gently. "Your parents love you. We will deal with this together. And as for society, they do not get to decide your worth. You are strong and you are not alone. I am here with you. For you."

Gautami felt deeply relieved by Abhyudaya's heartwarming and supportive words of affirmations with no insincerity but only sincerity and care. She looked at him, with tears streaming down her cheeks and hugged him tightly. "Thank you Abhi for being here with me. I did not realize it back then but now I have and it is that you are the best companion I have ever had. Thank you for everything. You are the absolute best."

Abhyudaya smiled and hugged Gautami back tightly rubbing her back and caressing her hair to make her feel better and subdue her tears.

Later that evening, Abhyudaya sat with Gautami, discussing how to handle the situation. An idea sparked in his mind. "Let us use our platform, Gautami. We have a voice, and we can use it to fight back."

Gautami looked at him, a glimmer of hope in her eyes. "You mean, tell our followers?"

"Yes," he said firmly. "We will ask them to report those websites. We will turn this around and show those people that they cannot mess with us. Not with me, not with you, not with any one of us. Not anymore."

With renewed determination by each other's unwavering support and understanding, they drafted a post in their joint Instagram handle, Slayy Point. Abhyudaya held the phone, ready to record.

"Hey our lovely Slayyfam," Abhyudaya began, his voice steady. "We need your help with something important."

Gautami took a deep breath and continued, "Recently, some very disturbing morphed images of me have been circulating online. This is a gross violation of privacy and completely unacceptable."

"We are asking you all to help us by reporting those websites and standing against this kind of harassment. Together, we can make a difference," Abhyudaya added.

As they posted the video, messages of support and solidarity began pouring in. Gautami felt a surge of strength, knowing she was not alone in this fight. Abhyudaya's unwavering support and presence had rekindled her spirit to fight back and not back off.

A few days later, Gautami and Abhyudaya sat together, reading the countless supportive messages from their followers. He had his one arm wrapped around her shoulder while she held his hand which was wrapped around her shoulder.

"See Gautami? We are stronger together," Abhyudaya said, smiling.

She nodded, her eyes glistening with gratitude. "Thank you Abhyudaya. For everything. I do not know what I would have done without you."

He smiled, pulling her into a tight hug. "That is what friends are for. And no matter what, we will always have each other's backs."

Gautami smiled, feeling a sense of peace she had not felt in weeks. With Abhyudaya and their Slayyfam by her side, she knew she could face anything.

The bond between Gautami and Abhyudaya remained unshakeable, stronger than any adversity they faced. Their story became a beacon of hope for many, proving that with true friends, one can overcome even the darkest of times.

The end☺🌼

More oneshots coming soon, stay tuned🌸🤗


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