Is It Too Late?- Part Two

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The airport in Mumbai buzzed with the usual hustle and bustle as Gautami made her way through the arrivals hall. Seven years had passed since she left for London to pursue her studies in psychology, and now she was finally home.

Her heart raced with anticipation and a hint of nervousness as she headed towards the luggage carousel.

As she reached for her suitcase, a familiar figure caught her eye. She froze, her hand hovering above the handle. Standing a few feet away was Abhyudaya, her best friend, her first love, the one she had loved deeply and continuously.

He stood there, a beautiful smile on his face, tears streaming down his cheeks.

In an instant, memories of the day she left flooded her mind. His desperate plea for forgiveness, his promise to love her forever—it all came rushing back, making her eyes well up with tears.

"Gautami," he whispered, his voice thick with emotion.

Without a second thought, she grabbed her suitcase and ran towards him, her tears flowing freely. She wrapped her arms around him, holding him tightly and burying her face in his shoulder. He embraced her just as tightly, his tears mingling with hers.

"I missed you so much," Gautami sobbed, her words muffled against his chest.

"I missed you too Gautami," Abhyudaya replied, his voice trembling. "Every single day. I waited for this moment."

She pulled back slightly, just enough to look into his eyes. "You kept your promise," she said, her voice filled with awe and gratitude.

"I meant every word," he said, wiping away her tears with his thumb. "I love you Gautami. I always have and I always will."

"I love you too Abhyudaya," she whispered, her heart swelling with happiness.

They stood there, holding each other, the world around them fading into the background. It was a moment they had both dreamed of, a moment that was finally real. The years of longing, the distance, the waiting—it all melted away as they held each other, crying tears of joy.

"I cannot believe you are here. It still feels like a dream to me. A lovely beautiful dream too good to be true." Gautami said, her voice still shaky but filled with joy. "I was so afraid thinking things might have changed between us and that you might have moved on."

"Nothing is changed Gautami. None of it is and how could I think of forgetting you and moving you? You continue to be the one and only girl for whom my heart falls hard and deep making it beat fast. Only for you. I love you Gautami and I do not want anything or anyone other than you. Tum ho mere paas toh sab hai mera," Abhyudaya assured her, his hand gently stroking her hair. "My love for you has only grown stronger. And now, we have all the time in the world to make up for the years we lost."

She nodded, a radiant smile spreading across her face. "I am home Abhyudaya. And this time, I am not going anywhere. Not without you. Agli baar kahi jaungi, toh tumhare saath hi jaungi."

He kissed her forehead tenderly. "Welcome home Gautami."

As they stood in the busy airport, wrapped in each other's arms, Gautami knew that this was just the beginning of their new beautiful chapter. Both of them had a long way ahead to move forward but with each other's support, presence and love, anything was possible now.

They had waited so long for this moment, and now it was finally theirs. Together, they would face whatever the future held, knowing that their love had withstood the test of time and distance, holding onto each other tight.

The end☺🌼

More oneshots coming soon, stay tuned🌸🤗


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