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Nischay and Y/n had been best friends for years, their bond strengthened by their shared passion for creating content on YouTube.

Their channels had grown side by side, and they often collaborated on videos, delighting their audience with their easy chemistry and playful banter.

When they were both invited to a week-long YouTube Creator Summit in Los Angeles, they could not contain their excitement. It was a chance to network, learn and most importantly, have fun together in a city full of opportunities.

On their first day in LA, they decided to explore the city before the summit officially began.

"Let us hit the beach first," Nischay suggested, adjusting his camera strap. "I have heard Venice Beach is amazing."

"Absolutely," Y/n agreed, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "And we can get some great shots for our vlogs."

As they strolled along the boardwalk, taking in the vibrant sights and sounds, Nischay found himself stealing glances at Y/n. There was something about the way the California sun lit up her face that made his heart skip a beat.

"Hey Nischay, look at this!" Y/n called, pointing to a street performer juggling flaming torches. She laughed, her joy contagious.

Nischay smiled, his heart swelling. "Yeah, that is awesome."

The week flew by in a blur of workshops, panels, and sightseeing. They attended networking events, mingled with other creators and even managed to film a couple of collaboration videos. Through it all, Nischay felt his feelings for Y/n growing stronger, though he struggled to find the right moment to tell her.

On their last night in LA, they decided to visit the Griffith Observatory. Standing on the terrace, they looked out over the city, the lights twinkling like stars.

"This has been an amazing trip," Y/n said softly. "I am so glad we got to experience it together."

"Me too," Nischay replied, his voice tinged with an emotion he could not quite hide. "Y/n, there is something I need to tell you."

Y/n turned to him, her expression curious. "What is it Nischay?"

Before he could answer, a group of tourists crowded around them, disrupting the moment. Nischay sighed, realizing it was not the right time. "I will tell you later," he said, forcing a smile.

The trip ended, and they returned home. Nischay could not shake the feeling that he needed to tell Y/n how he felt. He wanted it to be special, something she would remember forever.

The next weekend, Nischay invited Y/n over to his house, under the pretense of filming a special video. When she arrived, he greeted her with a nervous smile.

"What is the big surprise?" Y/n asked, her curiosity piqued.

"You will see very soon," Nischay said, leading her to his backyard. He had set up a projector and a screen, with fairy lights strung up around the area. A blanket and pillows were spread out on the grass, creating a cozy atmosphere.

"Nischay, this is beautiful," Y/n said, touched. "What is all this for?"

"Sit down, and I will show you," Nischay replied, his heart pounding.

As they settled on the blanket, Nischay started the projector. A montage of their best moments together played on the screen, from their first collaboration to their recent trip to LA. Their laughter, their adventures, their unspoken bond-it was all there.

When the video ended, Nischay turned to Y/n, his heart in his throat. "Y/n, there is something I have been wanting to tell you for a while now," he said, his voice trembling slightly. "I realized on our trip to LA that you are more than just my best friend. I have fallen in love with you Y/n."

Y/n's eyes widened in surprise, her breath catching. "Nischay...."

"I do not want to be just your friend anymore but that someone with whom you can trust yourself with. I give you my word that I will take care of you wholeheartedly, love you, respect you and keep you happy with me, be loyal and honest to you, all of it. I am ready for them all. For you my love," he continued, taking her hand in his. "I want to be the person you share your dreams with, the person who is always there for you. I love you Y/n. Will you be my girlfriend?"

Tears welled up in Y/n's eyes as she looked at him, her heart full. "Nischay, I have always felt something special between us too but could not get the courage of sharing it with you as I feared about losing you and this precious connection of us but I am so happy. This is by far the best day of my life, besides our trip to Los Angeles ofcourse together. I love you too Nischay and yes, I will be your girlfriend."

Nischay's face lit up with joy as he pulled her into a tight embrace. They stayed like that for a moment, wrapped in each other's arms, knowing that this was the beginning of a beautiful new chapter in their lives.

The end☺🌼

More oneshots coming soon, stay tuned🌸🤗


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