Cupid's Match💕

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Abhyudaya and Gautami had been attending the same college for nearly two years, but their paths had rarely crossed.

Abhyudaya was an engineering student, always busy with his projects and labs while Gautami, a literature major, spent her time immersed in books and poetry.

One sunny afternoon, their college organized a cultural fest. Abhyudaya, dragged by his friends, found himself wandering through the stalls and exhibitions.

He was about to leave when he heard a soft, melodic voice reciting poetry. Curious, he followed the sound and found Gautami on a small stage, her eyes closed as she passionately recited a poem.

"Wow, she is really good," Abhyudaya thought to himself, staying for the entire recital being mesmerized by her.

As Gautami finished, she opened her eyes and saw Abhyudaya clapping enthusiastically. Their eyes met for a moment, and she smiled warmly at him. He felt a strange flutter in his chest.

Later that day, as Abhyudaya was about to leave, he saw Gautami sitting alone on a bench, reading a book. Summoning his courage, he walked up to her.

"Hi, um I really enjoyed your poetry earlier," Abhyudaya said, scratching the back of his head nervously.

Gautami looked up, surprised. "Oh, thank you! I am glad you liked it. I am Gautami, by the way."

"I am Abhyudaya," he replied, extending his hand. She shook it, her grip firm yet gentle.

Over the next few weeks, Abhyudaya and Gautami started bumping into each other more often, whether it was at the library, the canteen or during college events.

Their brief conversations turned into longer chats and they found themselves looking forward to these encounters.

One evening, after a particularly tiring day, Abhyudaya found Gautami sitting on their usual bench, lost in thought.

"Hey Gautami," he said, sitting beside her. "What is on your mind?"

She sighed, closing her book. "Just thinking about my future. Sometimes it feels so overwhelming, you know?"

"I get that," Abhyudaya replied, nodding. "But you know, you have a way with words that can move people. That is something special about you."

Gautami smiled, her worries momentarily forgotten. "Thanks Abhyudaya. You always know what to say."

As the days turned into weeks, their bond grew stronger. They would spend hours talking about everything under the sun, from their dreams and fears to their favorite movies and books.

One day, Abhyudaya decided to confess his feelings. He found Gautami at their usual spot, her face lighting up when she saw him.

"Hey Abhyudaya! How was your day?" She asked cheerfully.

"It was good, but I have something important to tell you," he said, his heart pounding. "Gautami, ever since I heard you recite that poem and started spending time with you, I have not been able to stop thinking about you. I... I think I am in love with you. Yes, I love you Gautami."

Gautami's eyes widened, her heart skipping a beat. "Abhyudaya, I... I do not know what to say."

He looked at her, his eyes filled with hope and vulnerability. "Just tell me how you feel, Gautami."

Taking a deep breath, she reached out and took his hand. "Abhyudaya, I have felt the same way for a while now. I love you too."

Relief and joy washed over him as he pulled her into a gentle hug. They sat there for a while, holding each other with a loving and warm embrace, their hearts beating in unison.

From that day on, Abhyudaya and Gautami were inseparable. They faced the challenges of college life together, supporting and encouraging each other every step of the way. Their love story, born out of a shared passion for words and dreams, was just beginning.

The end☺🌼

More oneshots coming soon, stay tuned🌸🤗


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