Precious Bond🤍🌸

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Advika and Nischay had been best friends since childhood. Their bond was the stuff of legends, admired by everyone around them. Yet, like any deep and close relationship, theirs had its fair share of ups and downs.

It was a sunny afternoon when the argument began. What started as a playful disagreement over a movie choice quickly escalated into something much more heated.

"You never listen to me, Nischay!" Advika shouted, frustration etched on her face.

"And you always overreact!" Nischay retorted, his voice rising. "It is just a movie Advika."

"It is not about the movie! It is about you not valuing my opinions," She snapped back.

The words hung in the air, heavy with unspoken feelings. Before they knew it, hurtful words were exchanged and Nischay said something he instantly regretted.

"Maybe we would be better off not being friends at all," He blurted out in anger.

Advika's eyes widened in shock. "Is that really how you feel?" She asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

Nischay hesitated but his pride would not let him back down. "Maybe."

For days, they did not speak. The silence between them was deafening, and both felt the ache of the other's absence. Their mutual friends tried to mediate, but neither Advika nor Nischay was ready to make the first move.

One evening, as Advika sat in her room staring at old photos of their adventures, she realized how much she missed him. Swallowing her pride, she decided to reach out.

"Nischay, can we talk please? I miss you," Advika's message read.

To her relief, he replied almost immediately. "Yes, please. And I miss you too."

They met at their favorite spot, a quiet park bench under a large oak tree. Both looked apprehensive, but determined.

"Advika I'm so sorry," Nischay started, his voice trembling holding her hand. "I did not mean what I said. I was just angry and frustrated. You are my best friend and I cannot imagine my life without you."

Advika nodded, tears brimming in her eyes. "I know, Nischay and I have forgiven you a long time back. It was both of our fault. I overreacted too. I am sorry for not listening and for the things I said. I do not want to lose you either."

They sat in silence for a moment, the weight of their words settling in. Finally, Advika spoke again.

"Remember that time in school when you stood up for me against those bullies?" She asked with a small smile.

Nischay chuckled. "Yeah, and you patched up my bruises afterward. We have always had each other's backs."

"And we still do," Advika said firmly. "I think we both need to work on our communication, but I believe we can get through anything as long as we stick together."

Nischay nodded. "Agreed. From now on, let us promise to talk things out before letting them escalate."

From that day forward, their friendship grew even stronger. They made a conscious effort to be more understanding and patient with each other. Whenever conflicts arose, they addressed them head-on, knowing that their bond was worth preserving.

One evening, a few months later, they found themselves reminiscing about their childhood again.

"Do you remember the treehouse we built?" Advika asked, laughing.

"Of course! It was a disaster waiting to happen," Nischay replied, laughing while looking at her. "But we did it together and it stood for years."

"Just like our friendship," Advika said softly. "We've built something strong, Nischay, and I know it will last."

Nischay looked at her, his eyes reflecting the depth of his feelings. "Absolutely. Best friends forever, right?" He asked, forwarding his hand towards her.

"Forever together," Advika agreed, smiling and taking his hand in hers.

Their friendship, tested by fire and forged anew, stood as a testament to the power of perseverance, understanding and the unwavering support they gave each other. They knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, they would face them together, side by side.

The end☺🌼

More oneshots coming soon, stay tuned🌸🤗


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