Perfect Night💗✨

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Abhyudaya glanced at his watch, the excitement clear in his eyes. He looked over at Gautami, who was adjusting her hair in the rearview mirror.

"Ready for our adventure?" Abhyudaya asked, a smile spreading across his face.

Gautami laughed, her eyes sparkling. "Always ready for an adventure with you!"

They drove through the quiet streets, the city lights casting a soft glow around them. Abhyudaya turned on the radio and they sang along to their favorite songs, their laughter filling the car.

As they approached a 24-hour diner, Gautami's stomach rumbled. "I am starving. How about some midnight snacks?"

"Perfect timing," Abhyudaya said, pulling into the diner's parking lot. They ordered burgers, fries and milkshakes, and sat on the hood of the car, enjoying the cool night air.

"This is so much fun," Gautami said, taking a bite of her burger. "I cannot remember the last time I did something fun like this. That too with you."

"Me neither," Abhyudaya agreed. "But I am glad we are doing it now."

After finishing their food, they got back in the car and continued their drive. The roads were empty, and the night seemed to belong to just them.

"Next stop, drive-in movie," Abhyudaya announced, making a sharp turn.

Gautami's eyes widened in excitement. "I love drive-in movies! What are we watching?"

"Does it matter?" Abhyudaya teased. "As long as we are together?"

Gautami rolled her eyes playfully. "You are such a romantic."

They arrived at the drive-in, finding a perfect spot. Abhyudaya adjusted the seats, making sure they were comfortable. He wrapped his arm around Gautami as the movie started and she snuggled closer to him.

The movie played in the background, but they were more focused on each other, whispering and laughing softly. Abhyudaya traced gentle circles on Gautami's shoulder with his thumb and she sighed contentedly.

"This is simply perfect," Gautami whispered, looking up at Abhyudaya.

"It really is," he replied, his eyes meeting hers. "I would not want to be anywhere else."

They stayed like that for the rest of the movie, wrapped up in each other's arms, a smile never leaving their faces. As the credits rolled, Abhyudaya leaned down and kissed Gautami's forehead.

"Let us do this again sometime," he said softly.

"Definitely," Gautami agreed, her eyes sparkling with happiness. "This was a beautiful night to remember."

And with that, they drove off into the night, the promise of many more adventures to come hanging in the air.

The end☺🌼

More oneshots coming soon, stay tuned🌸🤗


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