Breath Of Adventure

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Abhyudaya, Gautami, Mythpat, Urmila, Pranav, Mansi and Saiman are standing at the entrance of their hotel, taking in the scenic beauty of Shillong.

Gautami (excitedly): This place is even more beautiful than I imagined!

Mythpat (spreading his arms wide and breathing in the newfound atmosphere): The air here is so fresh. It is like we have stepped into a different world.

Abhyudaya (smiles): I cannot wait to explore every corner of this place with you guys.

Urmila (laughs): Let us make the most of it!

Pranav (points to the itinerary): Day one. Explore the local markets. Ready, everyone?

Mansi (enthusiastically): Let's go!

Saiman: Adventure, here we come!


The group is wandering through the bustling markets, sampling local delicacies and buying souvenirs.

Gautami (holding up a handmade shawl): Look at this beautiful shawl Abhyudaya! It is gorgeous.

Abhyudaya (nods): It is perfect for you Gautami.

Mythpat (stuffing his mouth with street food): This is heaven. I could live here forever.

Urmila (chuckles): Save some for us too Mithilesh!

Pranav (checking his camera): These photos are going to be epic.

Mansi (smiles): We are making memories of a lifetime.

Saiman: And we are just getting started.


It was the fourth day of the trip and it was planned for a hike. The group gathers at the base of the trail for their hike. Abhyudaya looks slightly anxious but tries to hide it.

Gautami (with excitement): This is going to be so much fun! The view from the top is supposed to be breathtaking.

Abhyudaya (forces a smile): Yeah, cannot wait.

Mythpat (rubbing Abhyudaya's back): You alright buddy? You look a bit tense.

Abhyudaya (nods): Just a bit tired, but I am good.

Urmila (concerned): Do not worry Abhyudaya, we will take it slow.

Pranav: Let us get moving then!

Mansi (looks back): Ready, Saiman?

Saiman: Always!


Halfway up the trail, Abhyudaya starts to struggle, his breathing becoming laboured. Gautami, caught up in the excitement, does not notice immediately.

Gautami (calls back to him): Look at the view Abhyudaya! Isn't it amazing?

Abhyudaya (breathlessly): It is….it is incredible.

Mythpat (notices Abhyudaya's condition): Hey, are you sure you are okay bro?

Abhyudaya (struggles to speak): Just….need a minute.

Urmila (concerned): Maybe we should take a break.

Pranav (walking back towards Abhyudaya): Let us sit down for a bit.

Mansi (with worry): Gautami, don't you think that Abhyudaya looks really pale.

Gautami (suddenly remembers): Oh no, Abhyudaya! I completely forgot about your breathing issues. Why didn't you say anything?

Abhyudaya (smiles weakly): I did not want to ruin the fun.

Saiman (hands him water): Your health is more important to us, man.


The group finds a spot to rest while Gautami stays close to Abhyudaya, making sure he is comfortable.

Gautami (her voice gentle): I am so sorry Abhyudaya.

Abhyudaya (smiles): It is okay Gautami. No need of apologies. I wanted to be here with you all. Just need a bit of rest.

Mythpat (hands him an energy bar): Here, this might help.

Urmila (fans him with a map): We can take all the time we need.

Pranav (looks at the trail): We are not far from the top. We can turn back if you need to Abhyudaya.

Mansi (with support): There is no pressure Abhyudaya.

Saiman (pats his shoulder): We are in this together.

Gautami (holds his hand): Let us just rest for a bit longer everyone. We have trailed for long enough and I think we need some rest. I will stay by your side Abhi.

Abhyudaya: Thank you everyone. And especially you Gautami. Your presence makes everything better.


After resting, the group continues at a slower pace. They finally reach the summit, the view stunning and rewarding.

Gautami (smiles): We made it!

Abhyudaya (looks around, catching his breath): It is….breathtaking. Literally and figuratively.

Mythpat (chuckles): Totally worth it.

Urmila (hugs Abhyudaya): You did great Abhyudaya. I am proud of you buddy.

Pranav (about to take a group photo): This moment is going to be legendary.

Mansi (smiles): We conquered the hike together.

Saiman (raises his arms in victory): Best trip ever!

Gautami (hugs Abhyudaya): I am so proud of you Abhi. And I promise, I will never forget again. You are the best.

Abhyudaya (smiles): With dear friends like you all, I know I will always be okay. And ofcourse, I cannot forget you Gautami.


The end☺🌼

More oneshots coming soon, stay tuned🌸🤗


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