Each Other's Home💗

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Dedicated to Swaniwrites💕

Abhyudaya is a reserved chartered accountant in his late twenties, leading a structured life in the bustling city of Bangalore. His routine rarely deviated: wake up, commute to work, code, return home and repeat.

Gautami, on the other hand, was a spirited journalist with a passion for uncovering the truth, always on the move and never staying in one place for too long.

They met at a mutual friend's wedding. Abhyudaya was nursing a drink in the corner, away from the dance floor, while Gautami was capturing the festivities on her camera.

"Hey, aren't you Abhyudaya?" She asked, approaching him with her characteristic curiosity.

"Yes, and you are....?" Abhyudaya replied, somewhat taken aback by her directness.

"Gautami. We went to the same college, but you probably do not remember me. You were always buried in your books," she said with a smile.

Abhyudaya chuckled nervously. "That sounds like me. So, what brings you here?"

"Besides the free food and my friend's wedding?" She joked. "I am actually covering it for a feature on traditional Indian weddings."

Their conversation flowed effortlessly, and Abhyudaya found himself intrigued by Gautami's vivacity. They exchanged numbers, and what started as casual texting turned into long, late-night calls.

One evening, after a particularly grueling day at work, Abhyudaya received a call from Gautami. "Hey, want to meet up? I found this amazing rooftop café," She said.

"Sure, I could use a break," He replied.

They met at the café, overlooking the city's twinkling lights. As they chatted, Abhyudaya realized how different they were yet how drawn he was to her energy.

"So, Mr. Chartered Accountant, what is the most adventurous thing you have ever done?" Gautami teased.

"Uhh once I coded for 36 hours straight without sleep," He said, trying to sound impressive.

Gautami laughed. "We need to work on that! How about we go on a trip this weekend? Something spontaneous."

Abhyudaya hesitated but then agreed. "Alright, surprise me."

The following weekend, they drove to a small coastal town. Abhyudaya found himself doing things he never thought he would: hiking, exploring hidden beaches and even trying his hand at street photography under Gautami's guidance.

Their bond deepened with each adventure, but life had a twist in its store. Gautami was offered a prestigious fellowship in New York, and she was torn between her career and her budding relationship with Abhyudaya.

"I do not want to leave you," She confessed one evening as they sat by the beach, watching the sunset.

"You should go," Abhyudaya said, though his heart ached. "This is your dream, Gautami. We will find a way to make it work."

They decided to try a long-distance relationship, promising to stay connected through calls, texts and occasional visits. The first few months were challenging but manageable. However, as Gautami's work demands increased, their communication began to dwindle.

One day, after a particularly difficult week, Abhyudaya received an unexpected call. "Hey, can you come to New York? I really need you here," Gautami's voice was strained.

Without hesitation or any second thoughts, Abhyudaya booked a flight. When he arrived, he found Gautami overwhelmed and stressed. They spent the weekend together, rediscovering their connection amidst the chaos of the city.

"Why didn't you tell me how hard all of it has been for you?" Abhyudaya asked as they walked through Central Park.

"I did not want to burden you. I thought I could handle it," Gautami admitted.

"You do not have to do this alone. We are a team, aren't we?" Abhyudaya reassured her.

Gautami smiled, letting all her stress and anxiousness go away. "Yes, you are right. We were a team and we will be a team together always."

As the year progressed, they faced more challenges but they also grew stronger as a couple. Gautami's fellowship ended and she decided to return to India, but with a new perspective.

"I realized that it is not about where we are, but who we are with," She said as they stood at the airport, ready to board their flight back to Bangalore.

"Yes absolutely," Abhyudaya agreed looking at her with a gentle smile.

Back in Bangalore, they settled into a new routine, blending their worlds. Abhyudaya took up photography as a hobby and Gautami found ways to integrate her investigative skills into local journalism.

Their journey had been anything but straightforward, but it was theirs. And as they walked hand-in-hand through the city, they knew they could face whatever twists and turns life had in store for them, together.

Their story was filled with unexpected moments but in the end, they knew they had found something truly special. With each other and from each other.

The end☺🌼

More oneshots coming soon, stay tuned🌸🤗


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