Impromptu Date❤

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The evening sun cast a warm glow over the city, Abhyudaya and Gautami walking hand in hand and feeling the gentle breeze. They had decided on an impromptu date, the spontaneity adding a spark to their excitement.

"I cannot believe we ended up here," Gautami said, her eyes shining with happiness as they walked through the bustling street. "It was so unexpected, but it turned out to be just perfect with you."

Abhyudaya smiled, squeezing her hand gently. "Sometimes the best moments are the ones we do not plan. So meri jaan, what do you feel like doing first?"

Gautami looked around, spotting a panipuri stall nearby. "How about some panipuri? I have not had them in ages!"

"Perfect choice," Abhyudaya agreed, leading her towards the stall.

They laughed and chatted as they fed each other panipuri, the tangy flavors making them both grin with delight. As Abhyudaya popped one into her mouth, Gautami giggled, a bit of the spicy water dripping down her chin.

"Here let me," Abhyudaya said, wiping it off with a napkin. Their eyes met, and they both felt a flutter in their hearts.

As they continued their walk, they passed a small jewellery store beside the roadside. Abhyudaya's eyes lit up when he saw a pair of jhumkas.

"Wait here," he said, letting go of her hand for a moment and walking into the store. He returned with the jhumkas in hand. "Here you go Gautami. I thought these would look beautiful on you."

Gautami blushed, touched by his gesture. "They are gorgeous Abhyudaya. Thank you," She put them on, the delicate earrings complimenting her features perfectly.

They wandered further, enjoying the simple pleasure of each other's company. A flower vendor caught Abhyudaya's eye, and he couldn't resist buying a small bunch of flowers.

"These will look lovely in your curly bun," he said, gently tucking them into her hair. Gautami felt a warmth spread through her at his thoughtfulness.

As the evening turned to dusk, they found themselves at a quiet park, sitting on a bench and talking about everything and nothing. The sky turned shades of pink and orange, a beautiful backdrop to their memorable day.

Abhyudaya wrapped his arm around Gautami, pulling her close for a warm hug. "This has been one of the best evenings I have ever had," he said softly.

Gautami rested her head on his shoulder, closing her eyes and savoring the moment. "Me too Abhyudaya and I would not trade it for anything."

The end☺🌼

More oneshots coming soon, stay tuned🌸🤗


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