Turns In Love🌸🎀

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Chapter 1: The Clash

Abhyudaya (sighs): Gautami, why do you always have to be so....so difficult?

Gautami (crosses her arms): Oh, I am sorry Abhyudaya. I did not realize having standards was difficult for you.

Abhyudaya: Standards? More like impossible demands. You act like you are better than everyone.

Gautami: And you act like you know everything. Newsflash, Mr. Engineer, not everyone is impressed by your calculations.

Chapter 2: The Project

(They are assigned a project together in college.)

Abhyudaya: Look, we need to get an A on this. Can we at least try to work together without biting each other's heads off?

Gautami (rolls her eyes): Fine. But do not expect me to follow your orders.

Abhyudaya: I would not dream of it. Just....let us split the work. I will handle the technical parts and you can deal with the presentation.

Gautami: Deal. But do not mess up the technical parts.

Abhyudaya: I could say the same to you about the presentation.

Chapter 3: The Discovery

(They start spending more time together and learn more about each other.)

Gautami: I did not know you liked literature. You always seemed more....robotic.

Abhyudaya: I could say the same about you and engineering. I thought you were all about poetry and novels.

Gautami: There is more to people than what meets the eye.

Abhyudaya: Yeah. I guess you are right.

Chapter 4: The Realization

(After working late into the night on their project.)

Abhyudaya (yawns): You know, you are not as unbearable as I thought.

Gautami (smiles slightly): Thanks, I think. You are not so bad yourself when you are not being a know-it-all.

Abhyudaya: Maybe we judged each other too quickly. The both of us.

Gautami: Maybe. Or maybe we just needed to see past our own egos.

Chapter 5: The Confession

(The night before the project presentation, they are taking a break.)

Abhyudaya: Gautami, I have been thinking....I actually enjoy spending time with you.

Gautami (blushes): I was just about to say the same thing. Maybe we got off on the wrong foot, but....I like who we have become together.

Abhyudaya: So, what do you say? Start over? As friends....or maybe more?

Gautami: I would really like that. More than you know.

Epilogue: The Love

(A few months later, they are officially together.)

Abhyudaya: I never thought I would fall for someone who challenged me at every turn.

Gautami: And I never thought I would fall for someone who could teach me to appreciate the technical side of things.

Abhyudaya: Here is to unexpected turns and meetings.

Gautami: And to us.

(They smile at each other, knowing that their hate had turned into a love they never saw coming.)

The end☺🌼

More oneshots coming soon, stay tuned🌸🤗


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