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Abhyudaya and Gautami sat across from each other at their favourite café, the place where their journey had begun. The silence between them was heavy, filled with unspoken words and unresolved feelings.

Gautami (looks down at her coffee): I never thought it would come to this Abhyudaya. We had so many dreams together.

Abhyudaya (sighs): Neither did I Gautami. But sometimes, love is not enough to keep people together.

They both looked at each other, memories flooding back – the laughter, the late-night conversations, the promises and the declarations of love. But now, those memories were tainted by the arguments, the misunderstandings and the growing distance between them.

Gautami (her voice trembles): Do you remember our first date here? You spilled coffee on your shirt, and I could not stop laughing.

Abhyudaya (smiles sadly): I do. You said it was the best first date you ever had.

Gautami: It was. We were so happy then.

The silence returned, more oppressive this time. Abhyudaya ran his fingers through his hair, trying to find the right words.

Abhyudaya: Gautami, I wish things were different. But we have hurt each other too much. The trust….it is all gone.

Gautami (nods): I know and I cannot pretend everything is okay anymore. We have both changed, and not for the better.

They both stared into their cups, as if looking for answers that were not there. The café, usually filled with chatter and warmth felt cold and empty.

Abhyudaya: Maybe….maybe it is time to let go. To find ourselves again.

Gautami (tears welling up in her eyes): I guess you are right. But it hurts so much Abhyudaya. I do not know how to move on from this.

Abhyudaya (reaches across the table, but stops short): I wish I could take away your pain Gautami. But we need to heal, even if it means being apart.

Gautami (wipes her tears): Will we ever see each other again?

Abhyudaya (looks away): I do not think we should. It would only reopen old wounds.

They both knew this was the end. The finality of it hung in the air, a bitter realization. They stood up, and without another word, walked out of the café and out of each other's lives.

Years passed. Abhyudaya and Gautami built new lives, but the shadow of their breakup lingered. They never saw each other again, but the memories of their love and the pain of their parting stayed with them.

As they grew older, the regret of what could have been weighed heavily on them. In quiet moments, they would think back to that day at the café, wishing things had been different, but knowing it was too late to change the past.

And so, they lived their lives, carrying the mutual regret and pain, two souls forever marked by a love that could have been, but never was.

The end🖤

Moye moye feel ho raha ab mujhe iss oneshot ke baad😭😔

More oneshots coming soon, stay tuned🖤


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