Love At First Sight❤

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Nischay leaned against the bar, surveying the crowded room at his best friend Arjun's engagement party. The decorations were elegant, the lighting perfect, and the music just right. Nischay could not help but feel a little impressed by the whole setup.

"Hey. You seem lost," a cheerful voice interrupted his thoughts. He turned to see a petite woman with sparkling eyes and a warm smile.

"I guess I am," Nischay admitted, returning her smile. "Everything looks amazing. Did you plan all this?"

She beamed. "Guilty as charged. I'm Akshara, the wedding planner."

"Nischay," he said, shaking her hand. "You're really good at what you do."

"Thanks! I love weddings. It's always such a joy to see everything come together."

Nischay found himself captivated by her enthusiasm. "How did you get into wedding planning?"

Akshara's eyes lit up. "I always loved organizing events, even as a kid. When my cousin asked me to help with her wedding, I realized it was my calling. What about you? What's your story?"

"I am a software engineer. I mostly deal with code and computers," Nischay said with a chuckle. "Not as exciting as planning weddings."

"Hey, every job has its own magic," Akshara replied. "Without software engineers, how would we have all these amazing tech-savvy wedding apps?"

Nischay laughed. "I guess you are right. So, how do you come up with all these creative ideas?"

"It is all about the couple. I get to know them, their story, and what makes them unique. Then, I try to weave that into the event. Like Arjun and Yashika, they're both foodies, so I made sure the menu tonight reflected their love for gourmet cuisine."

Nischay glanced around. "That explains the incredible food stations. I think I saw a mini taco bar somewhere."

Akshara nodded enthusiastically. "Yes! And there is a sushi station over by the dance floor. Speaking of which, have you had a chance to dance yet?"

He shook his head. "Not yet. But I would love to, if you will join me."

Akshara hesitated for a moment, then smiled. "Why not? Let's go."

As they made their way to the dance floor, Nischay felt a strange mix of excitement and nervousness. They started dancing, and he was pleasantly surprised by how natural it felt to be with her.

"You know," Akshara said after a few moments, "I usually don't dance at the events I plan. I'm always too busy making sure everything runs smoothly."

"I'm honoured to be an exception," Nischay replied with a smirk and a smile.

As the night went on, they laughed, danced and talked about everything from their favorite movies to their dream travel destinations. Nischay could not remember the last time he had such a good time at a party.

When the night finally came to an end, Nischay did not want to say goodbye. "Hey, would you like to grab a coffee sometime? I would love to continue our conversation."

Akshara looked pleased. "I would like that, Nischay. Here is my card."

He took it, his fingers brushing hers for a moment. "I'll call you."

"I'll be waiting," She said with a smile.

As Nischay watched her walk away, he felt a sense of excitement he had not felt in a long time. Maybe love at first sight was not just a myth after all.

The end☺🌼

More oneshots coming soon, stay tuned🌸🤗


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