For Eternity❤

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Abhyudaya sat in a corner of the grand hall, the wedding reception in full swing around him. His eyes kept straying to Gautami, who was mingling effortlessly with the guests.

Despite the forced nature of their marriage, she always seemed to handle everything with grace and warmth. But tonight, something was different.

He remembered the day before, when his parents had fallen ill. Gautami had cared for them with a tenderness that touched him deeply.

"Gautami, can you bring some soup for your mother-in-law?" His father had asked weakly.

"Of course Papa," she had replied with a gentle smile, rushing to the kitchen without a second thought.

Abhyudaya had watched her from the doorway, his heart stirring for the first time. He had always been indifferent, having himself convinced that this arranged marriage was a mistake.

But seeing Gautami's genuine concern and love for his parents had made him feel something new, something warm.

That warmth was still there as he watched her now. He got up and approached her, feeling a strange nervousness.

"Gautami," he said softly.

She turned, surprised to see him. "Yes Abhyudaya?"

"Can we talk for a moment?"

She nodded and they stepped outside to the garden, away from the noise and laughter. The moonlight cast a soft glow over them.

Gautami turned towards Abhyudaya with a gentle smile. "Now tell me what is it."

"I....I saw how you took care of my parents yesterday," Abhyudaya began, struggling to find the right words. "It made me realize how much you care for them, and....for me."

Gautami looked down, her cheeks flushing. "They are my family now Abhyudaya. And so are you. I want to take care of all of you."

"I never gave you a chance," he admitted, his voice breaking. "I was so set on hating this marriage that I never saw how wonderful you are."

Gautami looked up, tears glistening in her eyes. "I have always loved you Abhyudaya. I just wanted you to see me, to see that we could be happy together."

Abhyudaya took her hand, his heart pounding. "I see you now, Gautami. And I want to try. I want to make this marriage work."

A smile spread across Gautami's face, and she stepped closer, wrapping her arms around him. For the first time, Abhyudaya hugged her back, feeling that new warmth bloom in his chest.

As they stood there under the moonlight, Abhyudaya knew that their marriage, once forced and unwanted, had become something beautiful and real.

After that heartfelt confession under the moonlight, Abhyudaya and Gautami’s relationship began to blossom. They started to navigate their future together, learning to trust, support and love one another.

A year later, Abhyudaya was pacing in their cozy living room, a smile playing on his lips. Gautami, now his beloved wife in every sense, was preparing dinner in the kitchen. The scent of spices and freshly cooked food wafted through the house.

"Gautami," Abhyudaya called, walking into the kitchen. "Can I help you with anything?"

She turned, her face lighting up at the sight of him. "You can set the table, if you would like. Dinner is almost ready."

Abhyudaya moved to the cupboard, grabbing plates and cutlery. "I was thinking," he began, "about how different things are now. How happy I am truly with you. You have made me complete Gautami."

Gautami paused, her eyes softening. I am happy too Abhyudaya. More than I ever imagined. With you."

He set the table and walked over to her, taking her hands in his. "I was also thinking about our future. What do you see for us?"

Gautami smiled, a dreamy look in her eyes. "I see us building a home filled with love and laughter. Maybe even a couple of kids running around."

Abhyudaya smiled. "I like that vision. And I want to add to it. How about we start looking for a new house? A place where we can create those memories?"

Her eyes widened in surprise. "Really? You mean it?"

"Absolutely," he said, pulling her into a hug. "I want to build our dream together, every step of the way."

In the following months, they found a beautiful house on the outskirts of the city. It had a garden where Gautami could grow her favorite flowers and a spacious kitchen where she could experiment with new recipes.

Abhyudaya loved the idea of a study where he could work and a cozy living room where they could relax together.

One evening, as they sat on the porch watching the sunset, Gautami turned to Abhyudaya. "Do you remember that night under the moonlight? The night everything changed?"

He smiled, squeezing her hand. "How could I forget? It marked the beginning of us."

Gautami leaned her head on his shoulder. "I never imagined we would come this far, but I am so grateful we did."

"So am I," Abhyudaya whispered. "And I promise to keep working on us, to never take this love for granted."

Years went by, and their life was filled with moments of joy and challenge. They welcomed two beautiful children into their home, and Abhyudaya found himself marveling at the life they had built together.

Each day, he fell more in love with Gautami, appreciating her strength, kindness and unwavering love.

One evening, as they watched their children play in the garden, Abhyudaya turned to Gautami, his heart full and wrapping his hands around her shoulder with tender. "Thank you, Gautami, for being my partner in this beautiful journey. For showing me what love truly is."

She smiled, her eyes reflecting the same warmth and love that had first melted his heart. "And thank you Abhyudaya, for opening your heart to me. For believing in us."

As they held each other, watching their children and the setting sun, Abhyudaya knew that their future was bright.

Together, they had turned a forced marriage into a lifetime of love and happiness, proving that sometimes, the most unexpected beginnings lead to the most beautiful endings.

The end☺🌼

More oneshots coming soon, stay tuned🌸🤗


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