Love's Melody💞

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Nischay and Sudhira had been roommates for six months. They shared a cozy two-bedroom apartment in the heart of the city.

While they initially moved in together purely for convenience, they soon discovered that living together came with its own set of trials and unexpected emotions.

One Friday evening, Nischay was in the kitchen, attempting to cook dinner. The smell of burning garlic filled the air just as Sudhira walked in.

"Nischay, is something burning?" She asked, wrinkling her nose.

"Uhh, maybe," Nischay admitted, hastily turning off the stove. "I was trying to make pasta, but it seems like the garlic had other plans."

Sudhira chuckled. "Well, let me help. You handle the pasta, and I will take care of the sauce."

They worked together in a comfortable rhythm, the sounds of clanging pots and the sizzling pan filling the kitchen.

"Nischay, you know, I think we have gotten pretty good at this whole roommate thing," Sudhira said as she stirred the sauce.

"Yeah, we have," Nischay replied, grinning. "Remember the first month? We kept stepping on each other's toes."

"Literally and figuratively," Sudhira laughed. "But look at us now. A well-oiled machine."

As they set the table and sat down to eat, the conversation flowed easily. They talked about their day, their plans for the weekend, and even the latest movie they wanted to watch.

There was a comfort between them that neither had expected when they first moved in together.

Later that night, as they sat on the couch watching a movie, Nischay found himself sneaking glances at Sudhira. There was something about the way she laughed, the way her eyes lit up, that made his heart beat faster.

Sudhira noticed his glances and turned to him. "What? Do I have something on my face?"

Nischay blushed. "No, no. I was just... thinking."


"About how lucky I am to have you as a roommate," he said, half-jokingly.

Sudhira's expression softened. "I am lucky too Nischay."

There was a moment of silence, charged with unspoken feelings. Nischay took a deep breath. "Sudhira, can I ask you something?"

"Of course."

"Have you ever... thought about us? Like, more than just roommates?"

Sudhira's eyes widened slightly, but she did not look away. "Honestly? Yes, I have."

Nischay's heart raced. "Really?"

"Yeah," she admitted, smiling shyly. "I did not know how to bring it up. I did not want to make things awkward between us."

Nischay reached out and took her hand. "I feel the same way. I have been thinking about it a lot lately."

Sudhira squeezed his hand. "So, what do you think we should do about it?"

"I guess we could start by going on a date?" Nischay suggested, smiling.

"I would love that," Sudhira said, her eyes twinkling.

The next evening, Nischay and Sudhira went to their favorite restaurant. The familiarity of the place mixed with the newness of their feelings created a unique blend of comfort and excitement. They talked, laughed and shared stories, feeling more connected than ever before.

As they walked back to their apartment, hand in hand, Sudhira looked up at Nischay. "This feels....right, doesn't it?"

"It does," Nischay agreed. "I think we have always been more than just roommates, we just needed time to realize it."

Sudhira smiled. "Here is to new beginnings, then."

"New beginnings," Nischay echoed, leaning in to kiss her gently.

From that moment on, Nischay and Sudhira navigated the trials of living together with a new sense of purpose and joy with each other's love and presence. Their apartment felt warmer, their shared moments more meaningful, and their future together brighter than ever before.

The end☺🌼

More oneshots coming soon, stay tuned🌸🤗


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