Unexpected Encounter

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The sun was setting, casting a golden hue over the bustling streets of Bangalore. Abhyudaya, a young software engineer was navigating the busy traffic on his motorbike, eager to reach home after a long day at work. Meanwhile Gautami, a freelance graphic designer was driving her scooter, her mind preoccupied with a project deadline.

As they approached a busy intersection, both were momentarily distracted---Abhyudaya by a notification on his phone, and Gautami by her thoughts. Neither of them noticed the traffic light turning red.

A screech of tires, a flash of alarmed faces and then the inevitable impact. Abhyudaya and Gautami collided, their vehicles skidding across the asphalt. Bystanders rushed to help as both riders lay on the ground, dazed and in pain.

Abhyudaya groaned, trying to sit up. "Are you okay?" He called out, his voice shaky with concern.

Gautami winced in pain, clutching her arm. "I think so," she replied, looking around. "Are you hurt?"

"Just a few bruises," Abhyudaya said, limping towards her. "Here, let me help you up."

He extended his hand and Gautami took it, her grip firm despite the pain. As she stood, she stumbled and Abhyudaya caught her, steadying her.

"Thank you," she said, her voice softer now.

"No problem. We should sit down and catch our breath," he suggested, guiding her to the sidewalk.

They sat side by side, taking deep breaths. The chaos around them began to settle as the crowd dispersed, satisfied that the two were not seriously injured.

"That was quite an introduction," he said with a weary smile. "I am Abhyudaya, by the way."

"Gautami," she replied, managing a small smile in return. "Nice to meet you, I guess."

He chuckled, wincing at the pain in his ribs. "I don't think this is the ideal way to meet someone new."

"Definitely not," Gautami agreed. "But at least we are both okay. My scooter looks worse than I feel though."

Abhyudaya glanced at their mangled vehicles. "Yeah, mine too. We will need to get those towed."

A passerby who had been watching the scene offered them water. They gratefully accepted, taking sips as they began to feel more composed.

"Where were you headed?" Abhyudaya asked.

"Home," Gautami said. "I have got a deadline for a project and my mind was somewhere else. What about you?"

"Same here. Long day at the office," Abhyudaya replied. "We really need to be more careful."

"Agreed," she said, nodding. "But maybe this was fate's weird way of making us slow down."

"Maybe," Abhyudaya said thoughtfully. "If you need help getting home, I can call a cab. It is the least I can do after our um, accident."

Gautami smiled. "That would be nice, thank you. And maybe we could exchange numbers? You know, in case we need to deal with insurance or....just to check in."

"Of course," Abhyudaya said, handing her his phone. "Let us stay in touch."

As they exchanged contact information, an unexpected sense of camaraderie formed between them. Despite the pain and the chaos, they both felt a strange sense of serendipity.

"Take care Gautami," Abhyudaya said as the cab arrived, helping her into the back seat.

"You too Abhyudaya," she replied, looking back at him with a smile. "Stay safe on the roads."

As the cab drove away, Abhyudaya watched it disappear into the traffic, a small smile playing on his lips. Life had a funny way of bringing people together and he could not help but feel that this was just the beginning of something new.

The end☺🌼

More oneshots coming soon, stay tuned🌸🤗


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