My Strength🤍

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Abhyudaya and Gautami had been best friends since childhood. Growing up in the same neighborhood, they shared countless memories, from riding bikes to late-night conversations under the stars.

One summer evening, Abhyudaya and Gautami were sitting on the rooftop of Abhyudaya's house, watching the sunset.

"Do you remember the first time we came up here?" Gautami asked, her eyes reflecting the hues of the setting sun.

Abhyudaya laughed. "How could I forget? You were so scared to climb the ladder, and I had to practically drag you up."

Gautami grinned. "Yeah, and then I refused to come down until your mom brought us lemonade."

"Good times," Abhyudaya said, smiling. "We have been through so much together."

"Yeah," Gautami agreed, a touch of seriousness entering her voice. "Like when you helped me with my science project in tenth grade. I was so lost."

"And you helped me get through that rough patch with my parents," Abhyudaya added. "I do not know what I would have done without you."

Gautami looked at him, her eyes filled with gratitude. "That is what best friends are for, right?"

Abhyudaya nodded, looking at her with a smile. "Absolutely, I agree. By the way, I have been meaning to tell you something."

"What is it?" Gautami asked, sensing a change in his tone.

"I got accepted into that internship program in Bangalore," Abhyudaya said, trying to gauge her reaction.

"That is amazing!" Gautami exclaimed, her face lighting up. "I knew you would get it. You worked so hard for it."

"Thanks," Abhyudaya replied, feeling a wave of relief. "But it means I will be away for six months."

Gautami's smile faltered for a moment, but she quickly recovered. "That is okay. We will still keep in touch. And when you come back, we will surely celebrate."

"Promise?" Abhyudaya asked, holding out his pinky.

Gautami linked her pinky with his. "Promise."

The months flew by, and Abhyudaya's internship in Bangalore was both challenging and rewarding. Despite the distance, he and Gautami stayed in touch through daily calls and messages. They shared their highs and lows, making sure their friendship remained strong.

One day, as Abhyudaya was wrapping up his final project, he received a call from Gautami. She sounded excited. "Guess what? I have got some big news!"

"What is it?" Abhyudaya asked, curiosity piqued.

"I got selected for an art exhibition in Mumbai!" Gautami said, barely able to contain her excitement.

"That is incredible, Gautami! I am so proud of you," Abhyudaya said. "When is it?"

"In two weeks," Gautami replied. "Will you be back by then?"

"Just in time," Abhyudaya said, grinning. "I would not miss it for the world."

True to his word, Abhyudaya returned just in time for Gautami's exhibition. As he walked into the gallery, he saw her standing by one of her paintings, talking animatedly to a group of admirers. When she saw him, her face lit up.

"Abhyudaya!" She called out, waving him over. "You made it!"

"Of course," he said, giving her a hug. "Your work is amazing, Gautami. I am so happy for you."

"Thank you," she said, beaming. "I could not have done it without your support."

"And I could not have gotten through my internship without yours," Abhyudaya replied.

As they stood there, surrounded by Gautami's artwork and the buzz of the crowd, they knew that no matter where life took them, their friendship would always be a constant source of strength and joy.

The end☺🌼

More oneshots coming soon, stay tuned🌸🤗


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