My Heart Is Yours💞

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Gautami stepped off the train and took a deep breath of the warm, spicy air of Rajasthan. The vibrant colors and bustling streets of Jaipur welcomed her. She glanced around, trying to spot Abhyudaya among the crowd.

They had arrived separately, but she knew he would be here soon. Her heart fluttered as she thought about spending the next month together for Pranav and Mansi's wedding.

"Hey Gautami!" Abhyudaya's voice called out.

She turned and saw him waving energetically, his smile as bright as the sun. Gautami felt a warmth spread through her chest. They had been best friends for years, but recently her feelings for him had shifted and she was not sure how to handle it.

"Hey!" She called back, running towards him. They hugged tightly with a smile on both their faces, and she felt an electric jolt run through her.

As the days passed, they were caught up in a whirlwind of wedding preparations. Between dance rehearsals, shopping for traditional attire and late-night chats, Gautami found herself stealing glances at Abhyudaya more often than before.

One evening, after a particularly exhausting day of dance practice, Gautami sat down with her girl squad, Mansi and Urmila in Mansi's room.

"Gautami, you look lost," Mansi said, nudging her.

"It's Abhyudaya, isn't it?" Urmila teased, a knowing smile on her face.

Gautami blushed. "Is it that obvious?"

Mansi laughed. "You two have always been close, but something has changed between you two, hasn't it?"

Gautami nodded, looking down at her hands. "I think I have fallen for him. But I do not want to ruin our friendship."

Mansi put a comforting hand on her shoulder. "Gautami, if he feels the same way, it would not ruin anything. You should tell him how you feel about him. Be honest with not just him but with yourself as well."

Urmila nodded in agreement. "You deserve to be happy. And you never know, he might be feeling the same way."

Meanwhile, Abhyudaya was having a similar conversation with his boys gang: Mithilesh, Saiman and Pranav, the groom.

"I do not know what to do," Abhyudaya confessed, pacing the room. "I have started seeing Gautami differently and it is driving me crazy. What if she does not feel the same way about me like I do?"

Pranav grinned. "Mate, you have got to tell her. This is your chance."

Saiman added, "Yeah, what is the worst that could happen? She is your best friend. She will understand I know."

Mithilesh clapped him on the back. "And we will help you. Let us plan something special for the wedding day."

Abhyudaya took a deep breath, feeling a surge of determination. "Alright. I have decided. I will do it. I will confess my feelings to her at the wedding."

The wedding day arrived, and the atmosphere was electric with excitement and joy. Gautami looked stunning in her lehenga, her heart pounding with anticipation. She had decided to confess her feelings to Abhyudaya today, after consulting with Mansi and Urmila.

"Ready?" Mansi asked, adjusting her bridal jewellery.

Gautami nodded. "I am ready."

On the other side of the venue, Abhyudaya adjusted his sherwani and looked at his friends. "This is it, guys."

Mithilesh grinned. "Go get her tiger."

As the night wore on, the wedding celebrations reached their peak. Pranav and Mansi were officially married and everyone was on the dance floor. Gautami saw Abhyudaya standing by the edge of the crowd, looking at her with a nervous smile. She took a deep breath and walked over to him.

"Hey," she said, her voice shaking slightly.

"Hey," he replied, his eyes searching hers.

"I....I need to tell you something," they said in unison, then laughed nervously.

"You go first," Gautami offered.

Abhyudaya took her hands in his, his heart racing. "Gautami, I have been feeling something different lately. Something special for you which I never felt before. Whenever I see you, my heart starts fluttering and the times you smile at the most stupidest jokes of mine, oh my goodness! I just find myself lost in you and your beautiful, precious smile which I want to see lifelong but with me and no one else. I think....I think I am in love with you meri Maggi. I....I love you."

Gautami's eyes widened in surprise and joy. "I was going to say the same thing! Abhyudaya, I love you too."

They stood there, staring at each other in disbelief, then burst into laughter.

"I cannot believe this," Gautami said, tears of happiness in her eyes.

"Me neither," Abhyudaya replied, pulling her into a tight hug. "But I am so glad it is real. All of it. Me, you, us and our new journey."

"Together. From now, today to our forever." Gautami confessed, her voice filled with emotion as she hugged him back tightly with love and affection.

Their friends watched from a distance, cheering as the two finally confessed their love. It was a perfect end to a beautiful wedding, and the beginning of a new chapter in Gautami and Abhyudaya's lives.

The end☺🌼

More oneshots coming soon, stay tuned🌸🤗


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