Cupid's Match❤

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Version 2 inspired by Swaniwrites's lovely comment🤍

Abhyudaya sat in his dorm room, the soft glow of his desk lamp illuminating the pages of his notebook. He scribbled down the last few lines of his latest poem, smiling to himself.

Though he was an engineering student, he had discovered a hidden talent for poetry, inspired by his best friend, Gautami who was a literature major.

Gautami had no idea about his poetic endeavours. Abhyudaya had kept it a secret, planning to surprise her someday.

They had been friends since their first year of college, both harbouring secret feelings for each other but too afraid to confess, fearing it might ruin their friendship.

One evening, their mutual friends, Arjun and Priya, decided to intervene in their respective dorms. "You need to tell her how you feel bro. Come on, do not miss your chance like this. This is it," Arjun insisted.

"The love you both have for each other is obvious to everyone except you Gautami. You have to tell him how you feel," Priya added with a teasing smile.

Abhyudaya and Gautami both felt slightly uneasy but ultimately nodded in agreement. That night, Abhyudaya decided it was time to reveal his heart through his poetry. He spent hours crafting the perfect poem for Gautami, pouring all his feelings into every word.

The next day, they agreed to meet at their favorite spot on campus, a quiet bench under a large oak tree. Abhyudaya arrived first, clutching his notebook tightly.

When Gautami appeared, she held a folded piece of paper, her eyes sparkling with a mix of anxiety and excitement.

"Hi," Abhyudaya said, his voice a bit shaky.

"Hi," Gautami replied, equally nervous.

"I have something for you," they both said at the same time, then laughed, the tension easing slightly.

"You go first," Gautami urged.

Abhyudaya took a deep breath and opened his notebook. "This is for you, Gautami. I have been writing poetry for a while now, inspired by you. I hope you like it."

He began to read:

~In the quiet whispers of the night,
Your laughter lingers, a gentle light.
Your words, a symphony, so sweet,
In every line, our hearts meet.

I have watched you from afar, my muse,
In every verse, it is you I choose.
Your grace, your charm and your radiant smile,
Have captivated me all the while.

Gautami, my heart's desire,
Your love, to me, a burning fire.
Together, let our souls entwine,
In love’s embrace, forever shine~

Tears welled up in Gautami's eyes as she listened. When he finished, she hugged him tightly, her voice choked with emotion. "It is beautiful, Abhyudaya. Wow!! I loved it very much. I....I have something for you too."

She handed him the folded paper, and he opened it with trembling hands. Gautami's handwriting flowed across the page:

~In the garden of dreams, you bloom,
A beacon in the darkest gloom.
Your kindness, your strength, your gentle heart,
From you, I never want to part.

Each day with you, a cherished song,
In your arms, I know I belong.
Abhyudaya, my love, my friend,
With you, my world, I’d gladly spend.

Your touch, your voice, your loving gaze,
Sets my soul, my heart ablaze.
Together, let us walk hand in hand,
In love’s sweet journey, forever stand~

Abhyudaya's eyes filled with tears as he read. When he finished, he looked up at Gautami, both of them speechless for a moment. Then, in perfect harmony, they moved closer, their eyes locked in a gaze filled with love and understanding.

"I love you Gautami," Abhyudaya whispered.

"I love you too Abhyudaya," she replied, her voice steady and sure.

They embraced each other tightly, tears of happiness streaming down their faces. In that moment, all their fears melted away, replaced by the pure joy of finally being together. The sun set behind them, casting a golden glow over their perfect, love-filled embrace.

The end☺🌼

More oneshots coming soon, stay tuned🌸🤗


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