New Connection🤍

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The snowstorm outside the airport windows was relentless, turning the world into a white blur. Inside, the atmosphere was a mix of frustration and resignation.

Nischay paced back and forth, occasionally glancing at his phone. Y/n sat nearby, hugging her coat tighter around herself.

Nischay (sighs): Looks like we are stuck here for a while.

Y/n (nods): Yeah, not exactly how I imagined spending Christmas Eve.

Nischay stopped pacing and looked at her, noticing the mix of disappointment and acceptance on her face.

Nischay: I am Nischay, by the way.

Y/n (smiles faintly): Y/n. Nice to meet you, despite the circumstances.

They both chuckled, the shared frustration easing the tension between them. Nischay sat down next to Y/n, the terminal around them buzzing with similar stories of disrupted plans.

Nischay: So, where were you headed?

Y/n: I was supposed to fly home to see my family. Have not seen them in months. You?

Nischay: Same here. I was on my way to visit my parents. It has been a crazy year.

They sat in silence for a moment, watching people move around, trying to make the best of a bad situation.

Nischay: You know, we could sit here and sulk or we could make the most of it. How about we get some coffee?

Y/n (smiles): That sounds like a good idea.

They walked to the small café in the terminal, ordering coffee and finding a table near the window. The snowstorm outside seemed less oppressive with a warm drink in hand and good company.

Y/n: Do you travel often?

Nischay: Not really. Work keeps me pretty busy. What about you?

Y/n: I travel a bit for work, but I try to keep it to a minimum. I prefer being home.

As they sipped their coffee, the conversation flowed easily. They talked about their jobs, their favorite travel destinations and shared stories from their lives. Hours passed unnoticed, the connection between them growing stronger.

Nischay: You know, this is not how I planned to spend Christmas Eve, but I am glad I met you.

Y/n (smiles): Me too. It has been a surprisingly nice evening with you.

The announcement of flight cancellations echoed through the terminal, confirming that they would indeed be spending the night at the airport.

Nischay: Looks like we are not going anywhere tonight. Want to explore the airport? See what we can find?

Y/n: Sure why not? Let us make an adventure out of it.

They wandered through the terminal, discovering a small bookstore, a quirky souvenir shop and even a quiet lounge where they could relax.

The airport, once a place of frustration, turned into a playground of sorts, each discovery bringing a new round of laughter and conversation.

As midnight approached, they found themselves near a large Christmas tree set up in the terminal, its lights twinkling warmly.

Y/n: Merry Christmas Nischay.

Nischay: Merry Christmas Y/n. Here is to unexpected adventures and new friends.

They smiled at each other, feeling a warmth that had nothing to do with the coffee or the Christmas lights. In the midst of a snowstorm and an airport full of stranded travelers, Nischay and Y/n found a connection that neither of them had anticipated, turning a night of frustration into a memory they would cherish forever.

The end☺🌼

More oneshots coming soon, stay tuned🌸🤗


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