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Chapter 11 Complete the mission, ten consecutive draws

Gu Changsen said nothing more. After finishing the canned food in the bowl, he took his sister to brush her teeth. His sister-in-law not only bought new clothes for him and his sister, but also bought new toothbrushes and new towels.

His sister-in-law is really good to him and his sister. When he grows up, he must be filial to his sister-in-law and brother. I just don't know what kind of work he can do to make money in the future.

Anyway, farming is definitely not a good choice.

After brushing his teeth, Gu Changsen didn't think of a job that can make money.

It happened that Xu Qingli had finished sewing, and seeing that it was getting late, she let the two children go to bed.

The next day.

Xu Qingli woke up at five o'clock. She went to bed at eight o'clock yesterday and slept for ten hours until five o'clock in the morning.

The breakfast for the past two days has always been steamed buns. Xu Qingli plans to change it up and eat cornmeal steamed cake.

It is simple and delicious.

However, the cornmeal at home is too coarse and needs to be sieved.

Add a few eggs and crushed red dates to the cornmeal steamed cake, and it tastes very good. Xu Qingli also cooked a pot of millet porridge and fried four eggs, one for each child. The extra eggs were for Gu Changsen to take to school lunch.

That was breakfast.

At six o'clock, her brother-in-law Gu Changsen woke up, and Xu Qingli had just finished cooking.

"It's time to eat."

Xu Qingli went into the inner room, and Gu Changyue was still sleeping, lying on her back. Xu Qingli woke her up because she had to go up the mountain to chop firewood.

I dressed her in a half-daze, washed her face and brushed her teeth, and the little girl woke up after all this work.

The first sentence she said was, "Sister-in-law smells so good!"

She was referring to the smell of milk powder in the room. Xu Qingli had brewed it in advance, and she would drink it during breakfast later. The temperature was just right.

"It smells good, right? I brewed milk powder for you." Xu Qingli carried her to the bench and the three of them started to eat.

The two children liked fried eggs and cornmeal steamed cakes very much. Steamed cakes tasted fragrant and soft, and a little sweet. As for fried eggs, they had only eaten boiled eggs, not fried eggs. Fried eggs were oil-consuming, and the elders would not make fried eggs for them. At most, they would just boil eggs.

"Are two pieces of Changsen steamed cake enough?" Xu Qingli packed lunch for him, and Gu Changsen nodded, "Yes, sister-in-law." Two pieces of steamed cake plus an omelette were enough.

After her brother-in-law Gu Changsen went to school and her sister-in-law went to her uncle Gu's house, Xu Qingli locked the door and took her axe up the mountain to continue her wood-cutting career.

In the morning, she had more time, so Xu Qingli picked seven bundles of firewood.

She came back to sleep at noon.

She continued to go up the mountain in the afternoon, and thought about what to eat in the evening. At noon, she and Changyue had noodles.

To be honest, Xu Qingli didn't like noodles in her previous life. What kind of noodles, hand-rolled noodles, Lanzhou ramen, instant noodles, stretched noodles, anyway, she didn't like anything like noodles, and she didn't like vermicelli in addition to noodles.

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