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Chapter 192 Why did he come?

In March of 1983, Gu Changlin, Xu Qingli and others returned to China. Gu Changlin might have been blessed by the God of Wealth.

In two years, he actually made more than 300,000 yuan from stock trading, and never lost a single time. Xu Qingli was also impressed.

However, he also knew when to stop, and kept the 300,000 yuan he made.

According to Gu Changlin, this fortune was brought by his daughter.

The first thing after returning to China was to hold a one-year-old party for little Mingzhu!

Because she was born abroad, she didn't have a full-month party.

She must hold one when she returns to China.

Xu Qingli felt that her daughter was a bit of a social nerd. She was not afraid of strangers. It was the first time for her to meet Uncle Gu and Aunt Gu, but she didn't cry when they hugged her.

She even called in a baby voice,



But the old couple were very happy, praising the child for being smart and clever, and of course, pretty.

The daughter was pretty, but after all, her parents were much better looking.

Gu Changlin and Xu Qingli didn't have many relatives. On the day of the birthday banquet, in addition to the families of the eldest and second sisters, there were also the families of the three brothers, Uncle Gu, Aunt Gu, Deng Ying, and the neighbors Li and Xue.

There were also the family of Gu Changlin's uncle, Xu Qingli's uncle, and Qin Jiang.

Anyway, all the people who knew each other and got along well with each other came, and there were ten tables.

In addition to these people, there was also an unexpected guest.

Xu Qingli's biological father, Xu Chongguang!

Xu Qingli was a little confused. Didn't she invite him? Besides, he didn't know she was in the capital!

Why did he come?

"I told him." Uncle said.

Xu Qingli, "Uncle, why did you tell him? I was planning not to have anything to do with his family."

"What nonsense, the granddaughter's first birthday party, the grandmother didn't come." Uncle said.

Xu Qingli really didn't know what to say to her father. When the original owner went to the countryside, there was some unpleasantness between the two of them, and they hadn't been in touch for so many years.

Now he came.

Nima... . . .

When Gu Changlin heard that his father-in-law had come, he hurried over to greet him with Gu Sange and the others. Xu Qingli did not go out to meet him.

She did not know what to say. Xu Qingli could not figure out her father.

You said he did not like her and her mother, but that was not right. The family of three lived well when her mother was alive.

After her mother passed away, he treated her differently. You said it was because of her stepmother, but that was not right. He did not treat his wife well. She was just average. She gave birth to a child, but you still had to be careful of her.

So she could not figure it out.

Xu Qingli did not go to look for him, but Xu Chongguang, her father, came over.

"Dad." Xu Qingli said in a faint voice.

Xu Chongguang nodded, picked up the little girl Mingzhu who was playing nearby, and said, "I am your grandpa."

"Grandpa~" the little girl called out in a baby-like voice.

Xu Chongguang held her for a while and then let her go, "Go play."

He said to Xu Qingli, "I'm divorced!"

"What?" Xu Qingli had a question mark on her face.



Xu Chongguang said, "Shao Yang is not my son!"


Xu Qingli was shocked. She had cursed him before, how could it come true!

"No, how can you be sure he is not your son?"

There is no paternity test at this time.

Xu Chongguang, "He doesn't look like me. Besides, Chen Xiujuan and her ex-husband have been having an affair and I caught him. Shao Yang looks exactly like her ex-husband."

"........." Xu Qingli didn't know what to say.

In fact, the "culprit" of this matter was the uncle. He went to Xu Chongguang's home in Sichuan Province and met his son. He casually mentioned that your son doesn't look like you. Is your wife cheating on you?

This was originally said to anger Xu Chongguang, not because the uncle knew anything in advance.

Who knew that Xu Chongguang took it seriously.

He looked left and right. The son really didn't look like him. Although the daughter looked exactly like her mother, you could still find her shadow if you looked carefully.

But this son didn't have any of these characteristics.

Once the seeds of doubt are planted, they will take root and sprout.

He investigated and tracked Chen Xiujuan. Who knew that she was really caught. In the end, they divorced. Of course, he wanted to get back every penny of the money he had paid to the three of them over the years.

I'm keeping a record!

"Keep it for the child." Xu Chongguang said and took out a small box from his pocket.

Xu Qingli took it and opened it. Inside was a pair of gold bracelets.

"Oh, what a big deal!"

Xu Chongguang said, "The person you found is pretty good."

"Better than you!" Xu Qingli replied.

Xu Chongguang, "I'm very good to your mother."

"But you're not good to her child!"

Xu Qingli was particularly confused. As a father, how could his attitude towards his child change after his mother passed away? She never understood.

Xu Chongguang didn't give an answer to this question. He attended the birthday party and left that day, saying that he was busy with work.

Xu Qingli thought that this man, who was divorced and childless, missed her and wanted her to take care of him in his old age!

How disgusting!

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