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Chapter 93 A visitor is coming

Xu Qingli cooked four pounds of braised spareribs. No side dishes, just eat it plain. Anyway, she earns more than 30 yuan a month, so what's wrong with being willful for once.

Meat is loved by adults and children, and Xu Qingli's cooking is particularly delicious, so it's another empty plate meal.

Usually after dinner, Xu Qingli will open a can or cut a pear or apple for the two children, but today there are crabapples.

After eating outside for a while, I washed my face and brushed my teeth and prepared to go to bed.

There are five days of vacation in total. Xu Qingli plans to rest for two days and use three days to tidy up the backyard and pickle vegetables.

There are a lot of pickled vegetables this year, including pickled cabbage, mustard cabbage, pickled cucumbers, rotten pickles, kimchi, garlic eggplant, soy sauce and garlic, chili sauce, and tomato sauce.

It's almost like kimchi country.

Oh, and we have to pickle duck eggs.

In addition to these, we have to dry beans, eggplants, radishes, etc.

There are a lot of things to do.

We also have to transplant coriander and green onions to the house.

So Xu Qingli started to work the next day.

First, let Aunt Gu collect 100 duck eggs for making salted duck eggs, and then go to the backyard to work.

The first step is to pick vegetables. The four of them are all involved.

Beans, eggplants, radishes, peppers, tomatoes, garlic, cucumbers, cabbages, carrots, ginger, green onions...

We started at nine o'clock, and the four of us picked for two hours. It was almost done. We had a simple lunch and continued to work.

All the vegetables were washed. Gu Changlin cut beans and made dried beans, while Xu Qingli cut and soaked pickles, pickled cucumbers, pickled vegetables, kimchi, and soy sauce and garlic.

Gu Changsen and Gu Changyue were also helping. The four of them were busy in the yard when they heard a cow mooing at the gate.


Several people looked up and saw the ox cart master

outside the door.

The ox cart master said to the young man in the car,

"We're here, this is Gu Changlin's house."

The young man thanked the ox cart master and opened the gate with his package.

Gu Changlin and Xu Qingli were a little surprised to see the visitor outside the door. Gu Changlin quickly picked up his crutches and stood up, saying in surprise

"Deng Ying, why are you here?"

Yes, the visitor is Deng Ying!

"Brother Changlin, you can actually stand up!"

Deng Ying at the gate of the courtyard saw that Gu Changlin was not sitting in a wheelchair, but was walking with crutches, and ran over excitedly.

Gu Changlin smiled, "Yes, my legs are recovering."

"Good, good, brother Changlin, it's great that you can stand up." Deng Ying was really happy.

The two hugged each other, and Deng Ying turned around and smiled at Xu Qingli, "Sister-in-law."

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