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Chapter 124: Maybe he was replaced

Eldest sister Gu is very confident in her youngest son. Her son has the best grades in Qijia Village and is the only one who graduated from high school.

As long as he works hard in the countryside for two years after graduating from high school, he will definitely be recommended to go to college.

Second sister Gu said, "Tian Mi's grades are not bad. She ranked sixth in the grade this year."

The tone is quite proud.

Gu Qingshan, the eldest son of Gu's eldest brother, Lin Hai, the youngest son of Gu's eldest sister, and Tian Mi, the eldest daughter of Gu's second sister, all graduated from high school this summer.

Of course, the best student among the three is Gu Qingshan, who has always been the top student in the grade. The second is Tian Mi, the daughter of Gu's second sister, who has always been in the top ten. Lin Hai, the youngest son of Gu's eldest sister, also did very well in the exam this time, and got the ninth place in the grade.

He is now in the top ten, and used to be in the top fifteen.

The three oldest members of the Gu family, Gu's eldest sister, Gu's second sister, and Gu's eldest brother, are determined to get their children into the Workers, Peasants and Soldiers University.

"Participate in two years of labor!" Xu Qingli said.

She forgot that there is such a requirement for attending the Workers, Peasants and Soldiers University now.

It is not easy either.

In addition to this requirement, the education level must be above junior high school, unmarried, around 20 years old, and preferably not over 25 years old.

It's just that the college entrance examination will be resumed next year, and these three kids will definitely not go to the Workers, Peasants and Soldiers University, but go directly to college through the college entrance examination.

However, she was confused about one thing. The book didn't mention the story of the eldest sister Gu and the second sister's family, but the eldest brother Gu's family mentioned that Gu Qingshan raised pigs.

Logically, Gu Qingshan would definitely take the college entrance examination when it was resumed in 1977, and with his knowledge, he would definitely be admitted. Not to mention Tsinghua University and Peking University, he would definitely be admitted to ordinary schools.

But the book said raising pigs!

How could he raise pigs!

How valuable are college students nowadays! If he is admitted, he will have a good life after graduation.

At least he will not return to the countryside.

Don't even mention raising pigs to make money. If you have a very good job, you will still raise pigs.

People in the future may do so, but they certainly won't do so now.

So she inferred that Gu Qingshan might not have been admitted to the university.

This is very strange. With Gu Qingshan's knowledge, how could he not be admitted!

Xu Qingli suspected that Gu Qingshan's university place in the book was replaced by someone else.

It is not uncommon for people to be replaced by others to go to university nowadays.

In the end, even if the person who was replaced found out, he would have nowhere to appeal, and it would be useless to call the police.

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