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Chapter 190 Gu Mingzhu

Perhaps the baby in her belly also liked the name Mingzhu, and she responded by gently kicking Xu Qingli's belly.

After staying here for about a month, Uncle Changsen and Uncle Changyue left, saying that they would come back during the winter vacation.

And Uncle would come back when Xu Qingli gave birth.

Xu Qingli calculated the time and found that she should give birth around the end of September or the beginning of October.

It's almost two months.

To be on the safe side, Xu Qingli took all the pregnancy-preserving medicine given by the system. Maybe she had a good physical condition after drinking Lingquan water or the pregnancy-preserving medicine worked. Anyway, except for morning sickness in the early pregnancy, she had no other symptoms and was very stable.

Her appetite increased greatly in the late pregnancy, and she also liked to eat braised pork.

Uncle Shen, a friend of my uncle, is a very nice person. He knew that Xu Qingli was pregnant, so he lent his second-hand car to Gu Changlin.

It was okay in the early and middle stages of pregnancy, as she could walk to and from get off work. In the late stages of pregnancy, it was safer to take a car.

My uncle originally planned to buy a new car, but Uncle Shen said that he couldn't take it back even if he bought it, and even if he did, the shipping fee would be too expensive, so he borrowed his old car for a few months.

Xu Qingli knew that Uncle Shen was so nice to them just for the sake of my uncle's face.

This made her feel that children of rich people would have a smoother life than ordinary people, because the uncles and aunts around them would help you without you having to ask.

It seemed to be true.

"Wife, look."

That night, Gu Changlin showed Xu Qingli the passbook he had opened here. Xu Qingli was a little confused when she saw the amount on it.


Xu Qingli counted it again and saw that it was indeed Mark.

"Where did we get so much money?"

One Mark is about 12 yuan.

How much is this more than 10,000 Marks? More than 100,000!

Even if Gu Changlin made a full profit from running a clothing store, it would only be more than 1,000 Marks if converted into German currency Marks.

There is an extra 10,000 on this passbook. Where did it come from?

"Hey, wife, I made it from stock trading." Gu Changlin put the passbook in her hands.

Xu Qingli was shocked, "You know how to trade stocks?"

Whether in her past life or this life, she knows nothing about finance, she only knows medical skills!

Gu Changlin scratched his head, "I don't know much, Uncle Shen taught me."

After staying here for two months, he asked Uncle Shen if there was a job here that could make money. He meant setting up a street stall or something, but Uncle Shen told him about trading stocks.

He didn't understand it either, so Uncle Shen told him in detail. He understood it, but he didn't dare to invest too much the first time, only a little. Later, when he made money, he dared to invest more, but not much.

Compared with Uncle Shen's, his was just a small matter.

He was afraid of losing money.

"Wow, Gu Changlin, you are amazing! You made 100,000 in half a year," Xu Qingli said.

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