Chapter 25: Unplanned Encounters

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The next morning, Aari woke to the comforting sound of the shower running. She stretched, the events of the previous night momentarily forgotten. When she emerged, towel wrapped around her, the sight before her melted any lingering worries. Seb stood in the kitchen, deftly preparing breakfast with a focused expression. The aroma of coffee and pancakes filled the air.

"You're up," Seb smiled warmly, setting a plate before her. "I hope you like pancakes."

Aari couldn't help but smile back, touched by his gesture. "They look amazing. Thank you."

Seb gestured for her to sit and proceeded to feed her with gentle care, his touch both intimate and comforting. "Today, we're going to the beach," he announced between bites. "I thought we could have lunch there, just the two of us."

Their day at the beach was idyllic. Aari wore a flowy sundress that caught the breeze, while Seb sported casual beach attire—a light shirt and shorts. They strolled along the shore, toes sinking into warm sand, sharing laughter and stories. As they lounged under a beach umbrella, Seb pointed out different girls walking by, teasing Aari about how badly he wanted one of them.

"Aari, look at her," Seb nudged playfully, "I mean, how can anyone resist that smile?"

Aari chuckled, swatting his arm lightly. "You're incorrigible."

After a leisurely lunch of seafood by the sea, they returned to the hotel. Just as they were settling in, Seb's phone rang. He frowned slightly at the screen before answering.

"Hey, man," Seb spoke into the phone, his tone serious. "Yeah, I'll be there. It's important. I'll catch up with you later."

He hung up, turning to Aari with an apologetic look. "I have to go out for a bit. It's unexpected, but I'll be back by tonight."

Aari nodded, trying to hide her disappointment. "Okay. Take care."

As the hours stretched on, Aari found herself growing restless and disheartened by Seb's absence. The loneliness crept in, amplified by the empty hours without him. Unable to shake off the melancholy, By midnight, Aari found herself pacing the room, her thoughts swirling with a mix of emotions. She stared out the window, the city lights blurring into a sea of distractions. The emptiness of the room amplified her longing for companionship, for the warmth of someone beside her.

With a sigh, Aari grabbed her jacket and headed out into the cool night air. She wandered aimlessly, the city alive with whispers of nightlife. Passing by a convenience store, she hesitated before grabbing a bottle of liquor, seeking a temporary escape from her solitude.

As she walked, Aari's steps became unsteady, the alcohol clouding her thoughts but failing to fill the void in her heart. She stumbled upon Dubai Marina, where couples walked hand in hand, their laughter echoing hollowly in her ears.

Sinking onto a bench, Aari watched them with a mixture of envy and resignation. She took a swig from the bottle, the burn of alcohol a stark contrast to the chill in her soul. Tears welled up in her eyes as loneliness washed over her in waves.

Fumbling for her phone, she scrolled through her contacts until she found Theo's name. With trembling fingers, she pressed dial, her voice thick with emotion when he answered.

"Theo," Aari's words slurred slightly, "where are you?"

"I'm in London," Theo replied cautiously. "Aari, are you okay? What's wrong?"

Tears streamed down Aari's cheeks as she poured out her heart in a rush of words. "I'm in Dubai, and I'm so lonely. It's because of you, Theo. You broke my heart, and now... I can't move on."

Theo listened quietly, his voice softening with understanding. "Aari, I never wanted to hurt you. I thought about us a lot, but... we both know we're not right for each other."

"But I miss you," Aari admitted, her voice breaking. "I miss what we had."

Silence stretched between them, the distance tangible even through the phone line. Finally, Theo spoke with gentle honesty.

"Aari, you deserve someone who can give you everything you want and more. I hope you find that person."

Aari wiped her tears, a mix of sorrow and acceptance settling in her heart. "Thank you, Theo. For everything."

She ended the call, the weight of their conversation hanging heavy in the night air. With a weary sigh, Aari stumbled back to the hotel in a drunken haze, her heart heavy with the weight of her choices. Yet, the night wasn't over. On a whim, she ventured out again, this time for ice cream. As she walked, Seb's call interrupted her thoughts.

"Hey, Aari," Seb's voice was concerned. "You have the keys. Are you coming back?"

After grabbing ice cream and returning to the hotel, Seb looked at her with a mix of worry and curiosity. "Aari, what's going on? what's going on?" Seb's voice was gentle but probing. He could clearly see she was drunk, and concern etched lines on his face.

Aari hesitated, unsure where to begin. She wanted to explain everything—her frustrations, her loneliness, her brief encounter with Theo—but the words felt heavy and tangled in her mind. Instead, she brushed past him, mumbling something about needing to sleep.

Seb watched her go, his worry deepening. He knew something was troubling her deeply, but he also sensed she wasn't ready to talk about it. As Aari collapsed into bed, fully clothed, he sighed softly, feeling a pang of helplessness.

The next morning started with a glimmer of hope. Aari and Seb were enjoying breakfast together when Seb's phone rang. Glancing at the caller ID, he sighed. "It's Mark," he said, standing up to take the call.

Aari watched as Seb stepped out onto the balcony, his face growing serious as he listened. She couldn't hear the conversation, but the worry in Seb's eyes was clear. After a few minutes, he returned, looking troubled.

"What's wrong?" Aari asked, her concern growing.

Seb ran a hand through his hair. "Mark just had a breakup. He's really messed up, and he needs me. I have to go see him."

Aari's heart sank. She understood the importance of supporting a friend, but it felt like another blow to their already fragile time together. "For how long?" she asked, trying to keep the disappointment out of her voice.

"Just a couple of days," Seb replied, already gathering his things. "I'm really sorry, Aari. I promise we'll have more time together when I get back." Aari's initial reaction was to express her anger and hurt. She wanted to shout at him, to make him understand that she had come to Dubai to spend time with him, not to be left alone while he attended to other matters. However, when she looked into his eyes, seeing the weight of his own concerns, she couldn't bring herself to confront him.

"Okay," she replied quietly, her disappointment palpable. "Take care of what you need to do."

Seb hesitated for a moment, as if wanting to say more, but then he nodded and left, leaving Aari to her thoughts.

Feeling restless and determined not to wallow in self-pity, Aari decided to take matters into her own hands. She chose to dress up in a way that made her feel confident and attractive—something super sexy that would turn heads. As she applied makeup and slipped into a form-fitting dress, she reminded herself that she deserved to have fun, even if Seb wasn't there to share it with her.

Venturing out into the vibrant streets of Dubai once more, Aari found herself drawn to the allure of alcohol again. She indulged in drinks, seeking temporary relief from her swirling emotions. Yet, as the night progressed and the buzz wore off, she realized how empty she felt.

Returning to the hotel room, Aari's reflection in the mirror mirrored her regret. She felt foolish for hoping things would be different with Seb, for letting herself believe that this trip could mend their strained relationship. Sitting alone in the dimly lit room, she couldn't shake the feeling of being abandoned.

The next morning, Aari woke with a determination to reclaim her sense of worth and independence. She decided to go for a morning walk, hoping to clear her mind and shake off the lingering disappointment. As she stepped into the elevator, she was met with a sight that took her by surprise—a handsome Italian man, straight out of a movie, standing before her.

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