Chapter 65: The Return

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As the storm outside began to lose its ferocity, the intimacy between Nikol and Aari in the church was interrupted by the insistent buzzing of Nikol's phone. He reluctantly broke their embrace, pulling out his phone to see a message from Aiden: "Code red. Come back home. It's out of my control."

Nikol cursed under his breath, the urgency of the message pulling him back to reality. He looked at Aari, still catching her breath, her eyes searching his face for answers. He gently cupped her face, his thumb brushing over her cheek.

"I'll ask my manager to take you home," he said softly. "Please, this time, go home and change. I have to go."

Aari's grip on him tightened, her eyes pleading. "Are you sure you can't reschedule?"

Nikol shook his head, his expression regretful. "I can't. Laters, baby," he whispered, leaning in to kiss her one last time before making a call to his manager.

Within moments, his manager arrived to pick up Aari. Nikol watched as she was safely escorted to the car, his heart heavy with the need to be with her. He watched the car drive off before turning on his heel and heading to his own vehicle, determination etched on his face.

As Nikol drove home, his mind was a whirl of thoughts about Aari and the volatile situation he was heading into. He knew he couldn't stay away from her, but he also had to keep her safe. The dichotomy of his desires and responsibilities weighed heavily on him.

Arriving at his house, the tension was palpable. His friends were gathered, their faces a mixture of concern and curiosity. Aiden was the first to approach, a smirk on his face despite the gravity of the situation.

"Look who finally decided to show up," Aiden teased, clapping a hand on Nikol's shoulder.

Nikol forced a grin, though his mind was elsewhere. "Had some urgent business to take care of," he replied, his tone clipped.

One of his friends, Rowan, raised an eyebrow. "Urgent business, huh? Must've been pretty intense to keep you away this long."

Aiden chuckled, clearly enjoying the opportunity to rib his friend. "Yeah, you looked pretty focused when you walked in. Everything okay, Nikol?"

Nikol shot Aiden a pointed look. "Everything's fine. Just needed to handle something."

The group's laughter was light-hearted, but Nikol's thoughts were miles away, back in the candlelit church with Aari. He knew he needed to focus on the issue at hand, but the memory of their shared passion lingered, a constant distraction.

Meanwhile, Aari arrived home, her mind still replaying the events of the night. She went to her room and changed out of her rain-soaked clothes, the memory of Nikol's touch still vivid on her skin. Trying to shake the thoughts from her mind, she headed to the kitchen and opened a bottle of wine.

As she poured herself a glass, she couldn't help but think about what had transpired between them. The intensity, the passion, and the raw emotion—it was unlike anything she had ever experienced. She sipped the wine, hoping it would calm her racing thoughts, but the memories persisted.

Back at Nikol's home, the atmosphere was tense. The friends gathered around, some discussing the urgent matter that had called Nikol back, while others continued to tease him about his mysterious absence. Despite their playful banter, Nikol's mind was split between the crisis at hand and his desire to be with Aari.

Aiden, sensing his friend's inner turmoil, leaned in closer. "You alright, man? You seem... distracted."

Nikol sighed, running a hand through his hair. "Just a lot on my mind," he admitted. "But we need to focus. What's the situation?"

Aiden nodded, his demeanor shifting to match the seriousness of the moment. "We've got a situation with Dmitri Ivanov. Rowan received intel that he's planning something big."

Nikol's eyes narrowed, his focus sharpening. "How big?"

"Massive," Aiden replied, his voice grim. "Rowan's sources indicate that Dmitri is merging forces with several major mafia families. They're planning something significant."

"What's their target?" Nikol asked, his voice low and controlled.

Aiden took a deep breath, the gravity of the information evident in his expression. "They're targeting university girls for a skin trade operation. After kidnapping them, they're smuggled out of the country. But this time, there's something different. They're also searching for an object, something precious."

Nikol's brow furrowed. "An object? What kind of object?"

"A rare artifact," Aiden explained. "We've intercepted some coded communications referring to it as 'The Seraphim's Tear.' It's rumored to be a gemstone with historical significance, believed to have supernatural properties. They've been using various code words, but Rowan managed to piece it together. It's highly valuable, both monetarily and potentially for its supposed powers."

Nikol's mind raced. The implications of Dmitri's plans were staggering. Not only was he engaging in human trafficking, but he was also searching for a powerful artifact that could tip the balance of power even further in his favor.

"We can't let Dmitri succeed," Nikol said, his voice steely. "We need to protect those girls and stop him from getting his hands on that artifact."

Aiden nodded. "We've already started reinforcing our defenses and increasing our surveillance. But we need your leadership, Nikol. Your strategy and insight are crucial."

Nikol took a deep breath, steeling himself for the challenge ahead. "Alright. Let's get to work. We'll need all hands on deck for this one."

As they moved into a strategy session, Nikol's thoughts briefly drifted back to Aari. He knew he needed to keep her safe, but the threat from Dmitri Ivanov required his full attention. Balancing his responsibilities with his personal desires was becoming increasingly difficult, but he was determined to protect both his world and the woman who had come to mean so much to him.

The meeting with his friends had been intense, filled with discussions and strategies to counter Dmitri Ivanov's nefarious plans. But as soon as it ended, Nikol's thoughts immediately returned to Aari. He couldn't shake the image of her from his mind, and his concern grew as she didn't answer his calls.

Glancing at his tablet, he saw a live feed from the security cameras he had discreetly placed in her house for her protection. She was still drinking, a bottle of wine next to her on the kitchen counter. Nikol sighed, frustration and worry mixing within him. He had to see her.

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