Chapter 19: Shattered Trust

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After discovering the photos of Sebastian with his ex-girlfriend, Aari's world seemed to shatter. Her hands trembled as she held Sebastian's phone, her mind racing with disbelief and hurt.

Aari: (trembling) Sebastian, what... what is this?

Sebastian: (hesitating) Aari, I... I can explain.

Aari: (urgently) No, Sebastian. I want the truth. Please tell me who you were with.

Sebastian: (softly) I was with my ex.

A wave of nausea hit Aari like a punch to the gut. The phone slipped from her hands as she stumbled back, feeling as though the ground had shifted beneath her. Panic clawed at her chest, and she struggled to breathe. Everything seemed surreal, her thoughts muddled as she tried to process the betrayal.

In a daze, Aari sat silently in the car on the way back home with Sebastian. The air felt suffocating, each passing moment an agonizing reminder of the shattered trust between them. As they reached Sebastian's home, Aari's resolve hardened.

Aari: (firmly) I want to go home. Please book me a cab.

Sebastian: (insistently) It's too late now. I'll drop you home.

Aari: (growing more agitated) No, Sebastian. I'm done. I don't want you around me. Just leave me alone.

She moved to leave, but Sebastian pulled her close, his voice pleading.

Sebastian: (desperately) Aari, I'm dropping you home. Cancel that cab.

Aari wrenched herself away from his grasp, tears streaming down her face.

Aari: (angrily) No! I said I'm done. I don't want you near me!

She opened the car door and made her way towards the waiting cab, her heart heavy with pain and betrayal. Sebastian's voice followed her as she left.

Sebastian: (calling after her) Aari, please... Let me explain...

Aari ignored his pleas and got into the cab, her hands trembling as she gave her address to the driver. The ride home felt interminable, the weight of her emotions suffocating her.

Upon reaching home, Aari received a call from Sebastian. She hesitated before answering, her voice barely above a whisper.

Aari: (emotionally) Don't call me again, Sebastian. Please... just leave me alone.

She hung up, collapsing onto her bed in tears, feeling numb and betrayed, unsure of how to move forward from the devastating revelation.

The morning light streamed through the window as Aari woke up, her eyes swollen and her body heavy with exhaustion. She dragged herself to the breakfast table, where her cousin Alex was already seated, munching on a piece of toast.

Alex: (noticing her swollen eyes) Rough night, huh? You look like you've been practicing your role as the lead in a mental health documentary, did your favorite character kick the bucket in some series, or did someone's dog pass away? Cheer up, I've got a joke for you. Why did the scarecrow win an award?

Aari: (barely interested) Why?

Alex: Because he was outstanding in his field!

Aari managed a weak smile at Alex's dark humor, but her heart wasn't in it. She picked at her breakfast, her appetite gone. As she pushed her food around on her plate, her phone began to ring. It was Sebastian. With a heavy sigh, she answered.

Sebastian: (urgently) Aari, can we please meet and talk? I need to explain everything.

Aari: (firmly) Sebastian, please, just go to Dubai. Let's just stay friends. I think that's the best approach for now.

Sebastian: (desperately) Aari, I don't want to lose you. We can work through this, I promise.

Aari: (resolute) If you don't go to Dubai, then I'm changing the city. Just leave me alone for a month. I need space to figure things out.

Sebastian: (softly) Aari...

Aari: (cutting him off) Please, Sebastian. Respect my wishes.

She hung up, feeling a mix of relief and sadness. The weight of the previous night's revelation still hung heavily over her, but she knew she needed time and distance to heal.

Alex, sensing the gravity of the situation, reached out and gently squeezed her hand.

Alex: (supportively) Hey, whatever's going on, you'll get through it. And if you need to talk, I'm here.

Aari nodded, grateful for his presence. Despite the turmoil in her heart, she knew she had to take it one day at a time. For now, she needed to focus on herself and find a way to move forward.

Aari couldn't bear the weight of her emotions any longer, so she decided to visit her sister Maya and brother Jace in New York. She took a leave of absence from work and started helping Maya, who was a cabin crew member and part-time bridal makeup artist. Aari found solace in accompanying Maya to bridal appointments, enjoying the distraction and the joy of being with her family.

One afternoon, after finishing an engagement makeup session, Aari and Maya sat down to eat. Maya was looking through the pictures Aari had taken of the bride's hairstyle when Sebastian's name flashed on the screen with an incoming call.

Maya handed the phone back to Aari, her eyes full of concern. "It's Sebastian."

Aari's heart sank, but she took the phone and saw that Sebastian had shared a few pictures. Later, when she checked them, she realized they were the pictures they had taken together. The memories hit her hard, making her heart ache and nausea bubble up in her stomach.

Sebastian called again. Aari took a deep breath and answered.

Aari: (softly) Hi, Sebastian.

Sebastian: (gently) Hi, Aari. How are you?

Aari: (trying to remain composed) I'm... managing. How about you?

Sebastian: (with a hint of longing) I'm coming back from Dubai soon. Will you be back by then?

Aari: (firmly) No, Sebastian. I need more time.

Sebastian: (pleading) Can we talk, please? I miss you every day. Even if we can't be together the way we were, I'm happy to have you as a friend, as long as you're in my life.

Aari: (with a slight edge) A friend? You admitted you can't be a one-woman man, Sebastian. Do you even understand what that means?

Sebastian: (sarcastically) Yeah, I get it. But I still want you in my life. Your best friend for life, remember?

Aari couldn't help but let out a small, bitter laugh, the absurdity of the situation sinking in.

Aari: (softly) We'll see, Sebastian. Take care.

She hung up and sighed deeply, feeling a mix of frustration and sorrow. As she sat there, Maya joined her, sensing the emotional turmoil her sister was experiencing.

Maya: (gently) Are you okay, Aari?

Aari: (tears welling up) I don't know, Maya. He keeps pulling me back, but I need to move on. It's just so hard.

Maya hugged her tightly, providing the comfort and support Aari desperately needed.

Maya: (soothingly) You'll get through this, Aari. We're here for you, no matter what.

Surrounded by her family, Aari felt a flicker of hope. With time and distance, she knew she could heal and find her own path forward, one step at a time.

From that day on, Sebastian committed to being transparent with Aari. He shared everything with her—his daily life, his thoughts, his feelings, and even his playboy lifestyle. He wanted to rebuild the trust that had been shattered and prove that he could be a friend she could rely on. Their friendship began to take a different shape, one rooted in honesty and open communication.

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