Chapter 32: Comfort and Chaos

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Aari finished her shift, her thoughts a tangled mess as she called Seb. "Hey, Seb, I'm done. You can pick me up now."

"I'll be there soon. Just come home quickly," Seb replied.

As she reached her apartment, she wanted to change her clothes. Just as she was about to head to her bedroom, she heard Seb's car pull up outside. She rushed out, calling over her shoulder, "Five minutes, Seb. I just need to change."

"It's just me, Aari. Come on, hurry up!" Seb shouted back, sounding impatient.

Aari sighed but smiled, knowing Seb's playful impatience. She hurried down, finding Seb waiting in the car. As she got in, she took a deep breath, feeling a mix of relief and anxiety.

"Hi," Seb greeted her with a warm smile.

"Hi, Seb," Aari replied, trying to mirror his enthusiasm.

"Let's get some takeout first. I'm starving," Seb suggested, starting the car.

"Okay," Aari agreed. Seb turned on the radio, filling the car with familiar tunes that brought back memories of their past.

They picked up some food from their favorite place and drove to a quiet parking spot to eat. The routine reminded Aari of the times she used to spend with Aaron, and she found herself lost in thought.

"Long time no see," Seb said, breaking her reverie.

"Yeah, it's been a while," Aari responded, her voice tinged with nostalgia.

Seb sighed. "I even asked you to be my plus one at my brother's wedding, but you declined, Aari."

"You know I was seeing Aaron. I didn't want to complicate things," Aari explained.

Seb looked at her, a hint of sadness in his eyes. "I miss us."

"I know," Aari replied softly.

"So, how's life? Why did you come back from Dubai?" Aari asked, changing the subject.

"It wasn't the same after you left. And home is home, you know? I'm planning to stay here for good," Seb explained.

"Any girlfriend?" Aari asked playfully.

Seb chuckled. "You know me. I talk to four girls at a time, but let's see what happens."

They chatted for a while, catching up on life. Seb's presence was comforting, like a balm to Aari's aching heart.

"How are you doing? And what about your loverboy?" Seb asked, his tone turning serious.

Aari sighed. "I don't know, Seb. He said he doesn't have feelings for me anymore. Tell me, how can someone just switch off their feelings like that?"

Seb shook his head. "Aari, you should forget him. He's an asshole and never deserved you."

"I don't know, Seb. Let's talk about something else," Aari replied, not wanting to dwell on the pain.

Seb grinned. "I think I'm going to try this ice cream. It looks good in your hand, but it'll look even better in my mouth."

"Seb, no!" Aari laughed as Seb grabbed the ice cream from her hand. They both laughed, the tension easing between them.

After spending a fun-filled evening together, Seb drove Aari back home. As she was about to get out of the car, Seb said, "I'll see you tomorrow, Aari."

Aari hesitated. "Seb, I..."

Seb cut her off. "I said we're meeting. Final."

Aari smiled, feeling a spark of hope.

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