Chapter 40: Distractions

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Nikol remained in the shadows, moving closer to the girl until she could only see his silhouette. From his hidden vantage point, he listened to their conversation. Her voice was enchanting, sweet, and melodic, like music to his ears. He could imagine listening to it for eternity.

She looked like a goddess, her eyes deep and magical, drawing him in like an irresistible force. Her lips were so alluring that he found himself wanting to claim her as his own.

Nikol shook himself, trying to snap back to reality. What the fuck am I doing? he thought. Why am I stalking her? She's no target. Yet, he couldn't shake the desire to possess her. There were other girls who threw themselves at him, but this girl, who didn't even know he existed, was the one he wanted to call his.

He clutched the eagle pendant around his neck, trying to calm himself, and silently cursed Aiden for bringing him here. Just then, his phone buzzed. It was Aiden.

"Hey, Nik, where are you? I'm missing you over here!" Aiden's voice was playful, but Nikol felt a surge of irritation.

"I'm coming," Nikol replied curtly, already turning away from the girl. His mind was racing with thoughts of Aiden and this inexplicable distraction. He wanted to kill Aiden for bringing him here and making him lose focus.

As he walked back to the party, he could still hear the girl's voice in his head, sweet and lingering like a siren's call. His mind was a tumult of emotions—desire, frustration, confusion—all colliding in a way that was entirely new to him.

By the time he reached Aiden, he had composed himself, though his eyes still held a glint of something wild and unrestrained.

"Where were you, man?" Aiden asked, grinning. "Thought you got lost."

Nikol forced a smile, his irritation barely contained. "Let's just get this over with," he muttered, his thoughts still drifting back to the girl beneath the tree.

"Come on, Nik, lighten up! It's my birthday, remember?" Aiden clapped him on the back, oblivious to Nikol's inner turmoil. Then, with a mischievous grin, he added, "You look like someone just raped you, bro."

Nikol shot him a withering look. "Very funny, Aiden. Now, what's the plan?"

Aiden laughed, unbothered by Nikol's scowl. "Just relax, man. Have a drink, maybe dance a little. Enjoy the party for once."

Nikol grumbled but let himself be pulled into the crowd. They were quickly surrounded by a group of partygoers, all eager to celebrate with Aiden. Nikol stood on the periphery, nursing his drink and trying to shake off the unsettling feelings from earlier.

Aiden leaned over to Nikol, lowering his voice. "Hey, hero, Our target is there"

Nikol's eyes sharpened, his irritation momentarily forgotten. "Where?"

Aiden nodded toward a distant corner of the party. "Over there, by the bar."

"What's the play?" Nikol asked, his voice steady and focused.

Aiden grinned. "We keep it cool for now. Blend in. Make contact if we can, but no sudden moves. We need to gather intel first."

Nikol nodded, his gaze never leaving the target. "Understood."

As they start their search for the target, Nikol found his mind wandering back to the girl beneath the tree. He tried to focus, but his thoughts kept drifting, and Aiden noticed.

"Hey, Earth to Nikol!" Aiden waved a hand in front of Nikol's face, smirking. "You look like someone told you the Aston Martin just went out of production."

Nikol scowled. "I'm fine. Focus on the mission."

Aiden chuckled. "Sure, sure. But man, you look like you've seen a ghost. Did someone take your virginity when you weren't looking, princess?"

Nikol glared at him. "Drop it, Aiden. We need to find the intel."

They continued scanning the crowd at the bar, but Aiden couldn't resist poking fun. "I mean, I get it. You're a brooding badass, but tonight you look like you're attending your own funeral."

Nikol rolled his eyes. "You're one to talk. You get distracted by a stiff breeze."

Aiden laughed. "True, but at least I can multitask. You, on the other hand, look like you're about to write a novel in your head."

Nikol groaned. "Can you be serious for one minute?"

Aiden grinned. "Serious? That's not in my job description. Besides, you need to loosen up. Maybe you need a vacation or something. I hear the Bermuda Triangle is lovely this time of year. You might even disappear."

Nikol sighed, shaking his head. "You're impossible."

Aiden patted him on the back. "And you love me for it. Now, let's find our guy before you start composing love sonnets."

As they approached the bar area where their target was last seen, Aiden kept up his playful banter. "So, when you're done here, are we going to celebrate by actually having fun? Because, no offense, but you look like you could use it."

Nikol shot him a look. "Aiden, if you don't shut up, I'll make sure you regret it."

Aiden grinned, unfazed. "Aw, come on, princess. I'm just trying to help you lighten up. Maybe even crack a smile."Nikol couldn't help but chuckle despite himself. "You're ridiculous."

"And you love it," Aiden said with a wink. "Now, eyes on the prize, Mr. Serious. Our guy is somewhere around here."

They spotted the target again, chatting with a group near the back of the bar. Nikol's focus sharpened, but Aiden's playful jabs continued.

"Look alive, Nik. Don't let anything distract you," Aiden whispered, nudging him.

Nikol sighed. "One more word, Aiden, and I'll make you regret it."

Aiden smirked. "Promises, promises."

As they inched closer to the target, Aiden couldn't resist one final quip. "Just remember, after we wrap this up, we owe each other a drink. Maybe two. And if you cry into your beer, I'm here for you, my bitch."

Nikol shook his head, a small smile tugging at his lips. "Focus on the mission, Aiden. We'll deal with your drink fantasies later."

They spent the next hour subtly observing the man, careful not to draw attention to themselves. Nikol's earlier frustrations seemed distant now, replaced by the familiar rush of adrenaline that came with a mission.

Aiden, ever the social butterfly, managed to strike up a conversation with the target, seamlessly blending in with the partygoers. Nikol watched from a distance, ready to step in if needed.

After a while, Aiden returned to Nikol, a triumphant look on his face. "Got some good intel. He's involved with a shipment coming in next week. We need to follow up on this."

Nikol nodded, a sense of accomplishment settling over him. "Good work."

Aiden clapped him on the back. "Now that the work part is done, how about we actually enjoy this party?"

Nikol sighed but couldn't help a small smile. "Fine. But I'm holding you responsible if anything goes wrong."

Aiden laughed. "Deal. Now, come on, let's dance!"

They rejoined the party, the tension easing as they allowed themselves to have a little fun. For once, Nikol let his guard down, if only slightly, and joined in the celebrations.

As the night wore on, Nikol found himself thinking back to the girl beneath the tree. He didn't see her again, but her image lingered in his mind, a haunting reminder of the night's unexpected twist.

Despite the success of their mission, Nikol knew that something had shifted within him. He didn't fully understand it yet, but he had a feeling that this was just the beginning of a new, complicated chapter in his life.

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