Chapter 58 : Tempest in the Forest

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Nikol sat in the quiet room, his gaze fixed on Aari as she slept soundly on the sofa. Her peaceful expression contrasted sharply with the storm of thoughts swirling in his mind. He cursed under his breath, reminding himself to focus. "Focus, Nikol. I need to maintain  fucking distance from her, at least for a few days."

He shook his head, forcing himself to break the spell she cast over him. Rising from his seat, he headed to the bathroom and turned on the cold shower, hoping the icy water would distract him from his thoughts of Aari. The cold bit into his skin, but it did little to cool the fire within.

After his shower, Nikol dressed meticulously in a tailored black suit that hugged his athletic frame, a crisp white shirt, and a silk tie. He glanced in the mirror, adjusting his collar and ensuring every detail was perfect. The look was completed with polished black shoes and his favourite Patek Philippe watch glinting on his wrist.

Stepping out of the bathroom, Nikol realized Aari was awake and staring at him. Her gaze travelled over his form, lingering on his broad shoulders and the sharp lines of his suit. He cleared his throat, bringing her back to reality.

"Ms. Arison, you're late. I need you at the breakfast table in ten minutes, or I'll leave for the site inspection without you," he said, his tone cold and authoritative. As he turned to leave, he looked at her in a very intimidating way, pointing to his watch. "Tick-tock," he added in his thick British accent before exiting the room.

Aari groaned as she got up, her head spinning. "I hate him so much," she muttered. "Ahhh, his face is a model's, but he's a devil inside." She hurriedly dressed in a fitted white blouse and tailored black pants, slipping on comfortable yet stylish ankle boots. She brushed her hair quickly and applied light makeup, all the while muttering curses under her breath.

By the time she reached the breakfast area, it was closed. "Just my luck," she sighed. She requested the hotel staff for some food, and they kindly packed her a few sandwiches. She rushed to find Nikol sitting and waiting for her, his expression unreadable.

"Let's go. We are late," he said curtly.

On the way to the site, Nikol remained silent, his focus entirely on the upcoming inspection. Aari tried to engage him in conversation, but he only responded with monosyllabic answers.

At the site, Aari was meticulously going over her plans when she made a mistake, misinterpreting a crucial structural element. She was on the edge of the site when she lost her footing. In a swift motion, Nikol was there, catching her before she could fall. She landed in his arms, her heart pounding from the near-miss.

"Are you insane?" Nikol burst out, his voice echoing across the site. "This site is dangerous, and your recklessness is going to get you killed!"

Aari pushed away from him, her cheeks flushed with embarrassment and anger. "I wasn't being reckless! I just lost my balance."

"Lost your balance you got be fucking kidding me? That's no excuse for endangering yourself and others. This project is too important for mistakes like that," he growled, his eyes flashing with fury.

The rest of the team watched uncomfortably as the heated argument unfolded. "You always assume the worst of me," Aari shot back. "Maybe if you listened instead of barking orders, things would be different."

"I listen when there's something worth hearing," Nikol snapped.

Aari's eyes narrowed. "I'm done. I can't work under these conditions," she declared, storming off the site.

Nikol watched her go, frustration and worry warring within him. He turned to his manager, giving instructions for the day's tasks. After a while, he realized Aari's absence and cursed under his breath. "You've got to be fucking kidding me."

Nikol strode off the site, determined to find her. The trail was rough, bordered by dense forest and steep drop-offs. He followed the path Aari had taken, his mind racing with concern and anger.

Aari stormed off the site, her anger propelling her into the dense forest surrounding the project. She stomped through the underbrush, her thoughts a tumultuous mix of frustration and hurt. She needed to get away, to find some space to breathe. But as she marched deeper into the woods, her foot caught on a root, and she tumbled forward, landing painfully in a hidden pit.

She tried to stand, but a sharp pain shot through her ankle, and she let out a curse. "Great, just great," she muttered, clutching her throbbing ankle. The pain was excruciating, and she knew she couldn't walk on it.

Minutes passed, and she heard faint calls in the distance. "Aari! Aari, where are you?" Nikol's voice echoed through the forest. She clenched her jaw, not wanting to be found, not wanting to face him again.

Nikol's calls grew louder, more urgent. After what felt like an eternity, he appeared at the edge of the pit, his face a mix of anger and relief. "Why are you silent? I've been screaming your name for the past two hours. Are you here for a picnic?" he snapped, his British accent cutting through the tension.

Aari glared at him but didn't reply. The pain in her ankle made it hard to focus on anything else. Nikol's eyes narrowed as he took in her situation. "Picnic time is over. Get out now. We are too far from the inspection site, and it's getting dark."

She remained silent, her pride refusing to let her ask for help. Nikol's frustration boiled over. "Aari!" he shouted, his voice filled with a mix of anger and worry. He climbed down into the pit, his movements quick and efficient. As he reached her, he noticed her swollen ankle.

"You're hurt," he stated, his tone softening slightly. He lifted her gently, despite his earlier harshness, and climbed up after drop her on the ground.

"Because of you, I even forgot the way out," he muttered, frustration lacing his words.

Aari, feeling a surge of defiance, shot back, "I never invited you to follow me."

Nikol's grip tightened slightly, not enough to hurt, but enough to let her know he was serious. "You can't just run off into the woods, Aari. This place is dangerous. You could have been seriously hurt or worse."

The tension between them simmered. Nikol's mind raced with conflicting emotions. He wanted to keep her safe, but he also struggled with the overwhelming desire he felt for her.

"Why do you always have to be so reckless?" he asked, his voice quieter now.

"Why do you always have to be so controlling?" she countered, her tone sharp.

Aari,  filled with frustration, attempted to walk away from him despite the pain in her ankle. "I don't need your help, Leave me alone" she muttered, wincing with each step. Nikol moved towards her swiftly, scooping her back into his arms.

"Stop being stubborn," he growled, his patience wearing thin.

As they moved back towards the site, rain began to pour, drenching them both within minutes. Nikol noticed Aari's clothes becoming increasingly transparent, clinging to her skin. He set her down and quickly removed his jacket, covering her. "I don't want it," she protested weakly.

Nikol gave her a hard look. "Throw it away if you don't want it," he said curtly, lifting her again.

The rain continued to fall heavily, making it difficult to see the path. Eventually, Nikol realized they had lost their way. He set Aari down gently. "Stay here. I'll find some wood and start a fire. It's getting dark."

He gathered wood quickly, the rain easing as he managed to light a fire. Aari sat close to the flames, soaking in the warmth. Nikol, now drenched, began to remove his shirt. Aari's eyes widened, and she quickly covered her eyes. "What are you doing?"

"I'm drenched. What else am I supposed to do?" he replied, his tone matter-of-fact.

Aari peeked through her fingers, unable to help herself. Nikol's body, glistening from the rain, was a sight to behold. She felt a strange mix of irritation and attraction. "You could... I don't know, find another way?" she suggested weakly.

Nikol sat close to the fire, his gaze fixed on the flames. "This is the only way," he said firmly.

The warmth of the fire and the intensity of the moment made Aari's head spin. She glanced at Nikol, her feelings a jumble of confusion and desire. Despite his cold exterior, there was something about him that drew her in, something she couldn't quite resist.

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