Chapter 62: The search

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Nikol tried to maintain his composure as the group continued their playful banter, but his thoughts were with Aari. He knew she had slipped out of the mansion safely, but he couldn't shake the nagging worry about her.

Rowan picked up the remote and switched on the TV, aiming to lighten the mood with some background noise. The screen flickered to life, displaying a news alert. "Severe storm warning in effect," the news anchor announced. "Heavy rainfall and strong winds are expected throughout the night. Residents are advised to stay indoors."

Nikol's heart skipped a beat. He immediately pulled out his tablet to check on Aari, hoping to see her safely in the room he'd arranged for her. But as he accessed the surveillance feed, his stomach dropped. There was no sign of her. He quickly texted his manager, his fingers flying over the screen.

"Status on Aari?" he typed, the urgency clear in his message.

The response came back swiftly. "Sir, we dropped her at the location, but she stopped the driver and left midway. We lost sight of her."

Nikol's anger flared. He couldn't believe Aari had left on her own, especially with the storm rolling in. He felt the familiar burn of frustration, compounded by the worry gnawing at him.

"Aiden, I need to speak with you," Nikol said, his voice tight.

Aiden raised an eyebrow but nodded, following Nikol to a quieter corner of the room. "What's up, Nik?"

"Look, I have to go. Something urgent has come up. Will you handle everything here? They'll all make a fuss if I just disappear," Nikol explained, his tone serious.

Aiden replied with a mischievous grin, trying to lighten the mood. "Sure thing, Nik baby. I'll tell them you just got your period or something," he said, winking.

Nikol rolled his eyes but couldn't help a small smile at Aiden's attempt to pull his leg. "Very funny, Aiden."

Aiden chuckled, then leaned in, whispering conspiratorially, "Hey, when you find Aari, maybe you can use this opportunity to show off your hero skills. Who knows, she might actually swoon this time."

Nikol smirked, shaking his head. "You're impossible. Just keep them entertained, will you?"

Aiden feigned a dramatic bow. "At your service, Your Highness. I'll make sure to tell everyone how brave you were, facing the storm head-on to rescue the damsel in distress."

Nikol laughed despite his worry. "Thanks, Aiden. Seriously."

As Nikol turned to leave, Aiden called out with a grin, "And Nik, if you get soaked, just tell her you were practicing for a shampoo commercial."

Nikol couldn't help but chuckle. "I'll keep that in mind."

Just then, Stella approached, her eyes narrowing with concern. "Nikol, is everything okay? You look a bit stressed," she said, tracing her finger along his neck.

Nikol grabbed her hand, his grip firm but not unkind. "I'm fine, Stella. Just need to take care of something," he replied, his British accent thickening with the tension.

Stella looked taken aback but nodded, her eyes filled with curiosity. "Alright, be careful," she said softly.

Nikol gave a curt nod and left the room, his mind racing. Aiden made an excuse on his behalf, keeping the group's attention diverted.

Once outside, Nikol moved quickly to his car, the rain already starting to fall heavily. He couldn't shake the worry for Aari, his mind filled with images of her out in the storm. He knew he had to find her, to make sure she was safe.

As he drove through the rain-soaked streets, he tried to piece together where she might have gone. He checked the GPS coordinates from the last location the driver had reported, his frustration growing with every passing minute.

"Where are you, Aari?" he muttered under his breath, the storm raging around him.

Nikol's phone buzzed again, a message from his manager. "No further sightings of Aari, sir. We're expanding the search."

He gripped the steering wheel tightly, his knuckles white. The rain pounded against the car, matching the storm of emotions inside him. He wouldn't rest until he found her, until he knew she was safe. And when he did, he had every intention of making sure she understood the gravity of her actions.

Nikol drove through the rain-soaked streets, his mind racing with worry and frustration. The storm was growing more intense, making it increasingly difficult to see. His phone buzzed with another message from his manager, but there were no updates on Aari's whereabouts. He muttered to himself, "Think, Nikol, think. Where could she have gone in this rain? She can't have gone far; her leg is injured. Maybe she's somewhere nearby."

He tried calling her, but she disconnected the call. Nikol's frustration bubbled over. "Why can't you act right for once? Always testing my patience, missy. I swear you're going to be the death of me."

Just then, his phone buzzed again. It was a text from Aiden: "Do your chores fast; they're asking about you, and I can't hold them much longer."

Nikol sighed and glanced at the GPS coordinates one last time. He noticed a small trail nearby and decided to stop the car. The rain was pouring down in sheets, and the storm made it difficult to walk. He swore under his breath as he got drenched, but he knew he had to keep searching. He followed the trail, his eyes scanning for any sign of Aari.

As he trudged through the mud and rain, he saw an abandoned church in the distance. It looked eerie and desolate, but something told him he might find her there. He pushed open the heavy wooden door and stepped inside, shaking off the rain.

Inside, the church was dimly lit by candles. The soft glow cast a warm light on Aari, who was sitting on the floor, her face illuminated by the flickering flames. She looked so beautiful in the candlelight that for a moment, Nikol's anger melted away.

But then, the rage returned. He stormed towards her, his footsteps echoing through the empty space. Aari looked up, startled by his sudden presence.

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