Chapter 43: Shadows of Intrigue

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Nikol continued to tail the professor through the university campus, his mind racing with thoughts of Aari and the mission at hand. Despite his best efforts to focus solely on the task of gathering intel on the professor, Aari's presence lingered in his thoughts like an elusive puzzle he couldn't solve.

After a while, he found a quiet spot and opened the files Aiden had sent him. As he suspected, Aari's address and phone number were conspicuously missing from the information. Aiden had deliberately left them out, likely to tease him.

He dialed Aiden's number, frustration simmering beneath his usual calm demeanor.

"Aiden, why aren't Aari's contact details in these files?" Nikol asked, his tone firm.

Aiden chuckled on the other end of the line. "Oh, did I forget to include those? My bad, Nik. I thought you wanted the juicy stuff, not her phone number."

Nikol sighed. "Just send them over."

"Sure thing, Romeo," Aiden teased. "But seriously, what's so special about this girl? You looked like you were ready to propose. Did she put a spell on you or something?"

Nikol shot him a withering glare. "Drop it, Aiden."

Aiden laughed. "Come on, Nik. You're the stone-cold assassin. Love isn't exactly your forte."

Nikol remained silent, his thoughts drifting back to Aari. There was no denying the effect she had on him, but he couldn't afford distractions, especially now.

Aiden sensed Nikol's seriousness and changed his tone. "Alright, alright. I'll send you the details. But seriously, women are eager to talk to you and would do anything just to spend a single minute with you. there has to be something special about her."

Nikol exhaled slowly. I don't know, Aiden. It's like... she's a magnet, and I'm just irresistibly drawn to her."

Aiden burst out laughing"But man, you looked like you were ready to propose to her. I think in your mind you've already done family planning with her." He laughed again, then added, "Ew, dude, enough with the Romeo behavior!"You really got it bad, huh? I feel like throwing up seeing you like this. Where's my ruthless friend gone?"

Nikol scowled. "Just send me the damn information."

"Alright, alright," Aiden said, still chuckling. "But seriously, if you need backup or anything... for this mission, I mean."

Nikol sighed. "I appreciate it, Aiden. But right now, I need to focus on the professor."

As he ended the call, Nikol steeled himself for the task ahead. He continued to follow the professor discreetly, noting his interactions and movements carefully. The professor seemed ordinary enough on the surface, but Nikol's instincts told him there was more to this man than met the eye.

Meanwhile, Aari and Rose strolled through the campus parking lot, their laughter mingling with the sounds of passing cars and chatter. Aari, dressed in a casual yet effortlessly stylish outfit, exuded a magnetic charm that turned heads wherever she went. Rose, her energetic and outspoken best friend, walked beside her, occasionally glancing over at Aari with concern.

"You seem a bit distracted today, Aari," Rose remarked, noticing the furrow in Aari's brow.

Aari shook her head lightly. "Just thinking about stuff, you know."

Rose nudged her playfully. "Stuff? You mean Sebestian?"

Aari rolled her eyes with a smile. "No, Rose. I've already told you, I'm not interested."

Rose grinned mischievously. "Come on, Aari. He was totally into you. You should give him another chance."

Aari sighed. "Maybe. I don't know. I've got enough on my plate with work and school."

Rose bumped her shoulder affectionately. "You need to have some fun once in a while. Plus, he is fucking hot . Or else, I'll date him."

Aari chuckled. "Maybe you can."

Their banter was interrupted by the vibration of Rose's phone. She glanced at the screen and frowned momentarily before dismissing it as work-related.

"What's up?" Aari asked, noticing Rose's expression.

Rose shook her head. "Just work stuff. Anyway, I was thinking... there's a party tonight. You should come with me."

Aari hesitated, her thoughts momentarily drifting to the shadow she saw at the Boiler Room event last night. "I don't know, Rose. I'm not really in the mood for a party."

Rose nudged her again, this time with more insistence. "Oh, come on. It'll be fun. And who knows? Maybe you'll meet someone special."

As they continued their walk, Aari couldn't shake the feeling that someone had been watching her earlier. She scanned the crowded lot, but everything seemed normal. With Rose by her side, she pushed aside her unease and focused on enjoying the moment.

Meanwhile, Nikol sat in his Aston Martin, parked discreetly not far from where Aari and Rose walked. He had been tailing the professor through the university campus, his mind oscillating between gathering intel and thoughts of Aari. Despite his determination to focus solely on the mission, Nikol found himself drawn back to memories of their brief interaction at Boiler Room.

Later that evening, Nikol followed the professor to a remote part of town, a run-down warehouse that seemed out of place for a man of his stature. Nikol watched from a distance as the professor entered the building. He waited a few minutes before slipping inside, his movements silent and calculated.

Inside, the warehouse was dark and musty, with the faint hum of machinery in the background. Nikol navigated the labyrinth of crates and old equipment, his eyes trained on the professor, who was now meeting with a shady-looking man.

Nikol edged closer, staying hidden behind a stack of crates, catching snippets of their conversation. It was about a shipment of some kind—something valuable and dangerous. He pulled out his phone and discreetly recorded the exchange.

The professor handed the man a briefcase, its contents unknown but clearly important. As the meeting wrapped up, Nikol knew he had to gather more intel without being seen. He activated a small camera, attaching it to a nearby crate to capture the scene from a different angle.

The shady man opened the briefcase, revealing bundles of cash and documents. Nikol zoomed in with his camera, capturing the details. He saw names and dates, along with blueprints that looked like they were for some kind of facility.

Just as he was about to retrieve his camera, Nikol heard footsteps approaching. He quickly ducked behind a stack of crates, holding his breath. The shady man and the professor were talking as they walked past him, their conversation now focused on the next steps of their plan.

"Ivanov expects results," the shady man said. "We can't afford any mistakes."

The professor nodded. "Everything is on schedule. The shipment will be ready by the end of the week."

As they moved out of earshot, Nikol exhaled quietly. He retrieved his camera and slipped back out of the warehouse, his mind racing with the new information. Dmitri Ivanov was a notorious figure in the underworld, known for his brutal tactics and expansive network.

Back at his car, Nikol reviewed the footage and documents he had captured. The blueprints were for a high-security facility, and the dates indicated something big was happening soon. He needed to find out more about Ivanov's plans and how the professor was involved.

Back in his apartment, Nikol pieced together the new information he had gathered. Dmitri Ivanov was planning something big, and the professor was a key player in his operation. Nikol needed to find out more about this facility and what Ivanov was after.

His phone buzzed with a message from Aiden: "Got the details you asked for. Be careful, Nik. This guy Ivanov is dangerous."

Nikol replied: "I know. Thanks for the info."

He then focused on the task at hand. He had to protect Aari from whatever danger lurked in the shadows. The mission was becoming more complex, but he was determined to see it through.

With a plan forming in his mind, Nikol set out to gather more intel, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead, both in the mission and in unraveling the mystery of Aari.

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