Chapter 79: The Great Escape

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The adrenaline was coursing through Aari's veins as she and Nikol bolted from the room. The corridors of the grand estate were dimly lit, shadows dancing across the walls as they hurried down the stairs, their footsteps echoing in the silence of the night. Aari's heart pounded in her chest, her breath coming in short, sharp bursts as she clung to Nikol's hand, trusting him to lead the way.

"Keep up," Nikol whispered, his voice urgent but steady. He was always in control, always calculating, even in the midst of chaos. Aari tried to match his pace, but the weight of the gown and the fear clawing at her mind made it difficult.

They reached the garage, where a sleek black car was waiting. Nikol opened the passenger door for her, his movements swift and precise. "Get in," he ordered, his eyes scanning the area for any sign of Theo's men. Aari obeyed, sliding into the seat and pulling the door shut as Nikol hurried around to the driver's side.

The engine roared to life, and Nikol didn't waste a second. The tires screeched against the pavement as he sped out of the estate, the mansion shrinking into the distance behind them. Aari gripped the edge of her seat, her eyes darting to the rearview mirror, where she could see the mansion's gates growing smaller and smaller.

"Nikol," she said, her voice trembling with both fear and relief. "Do you really think we can get away?"

Nikol's gaze remained fixed on the road ahead, his jaw set in determination. "We have to," he replied, his tone leaving no room for doubt. "I'm not letting Theo keep you. I'll kill him if I have to."

Aari's heart skipped a beat at the cold certainty in his voice. She knew Nikol was capable of anything, but hearing him speak so casually about murder sent a shiver down her spine. "Nikol, we can't just..."

"He's already done worse to you," Nikol interrupted, his grip tightening on the steering wheel. "You think I'm going to let him win? After everything he's done?"

Aari didn't have a response. She knew Nikol was right—Theo had crossed too many lines, and there was no going back. But the thought of what lay ahead, of the violence and danger that awaited them, made her stomach churn.

As they drove, the night seemed to close in around them, the darkness outside the car thick and oppressive. Aari could feel the tension radiating from Nikol, the weight of the situation pressing down on both of them. "What's the plan?" she asked, needing to know what they were heading into.

"We'll cross the border," Nikol replied, his voice steady. "I have connections. We'll disappear for a while, until it's safe to come back. Theo won't find us."

Aari nodded, trying to take comfort in his words. But something nagged at her, a feeling that no matter where they ran, Theo would be right behind them. She glanced at the rearview mirror again, her heart lurching as she spotted a pair of headlights in the distance, growing closer.

"Nikol," she said, her voice tight with fear. "Someone's following us."

Nikol cursed under his breath, his eyes flicking to the mirror. "It's Theo," he muttered, his voice laced with frustration. "He's not giving up that easily."

The car behind them sped up, closing the gap with alarming speed. Aari's pulse quickened as the headlights bore down on them, Theo's car edging closer with every passing second. Nikol pressed his foot down on the accelerator, the engine roaring as they raced through the night, but it was clear Theo wasn't going to let them go.

"Hold on," Nikol warned, his voice tense as he swerved the car onto a side road, trying to lose Theo in the winding paths. The trees blurred past them, the darkness swallowing them whole as they careened down the narrow road, but Theo was relentless, his car staying right on their tail.

Aari's heart was in her throat, her hands gripping the seat as the car jolted and swerved. The reality of their situation hit her hard—this was a fight for survival, and there was no guarantee they would come out of it alive.

Suddenly, Theo's car sped up, pulling alongside them. Aari gasped as she saw Theo through the window, his expression cold and determined, his eyes locked on Nikol with a look of pure hatred.

"Pull over!" Theo shouted, his voice muffled by the glass. "Now, or I'll make you!"

Nikol's jaw clenched, his knuckles white as he gripped the steering wheel. "Not a chance," he muttered, swerving sharply to the left, trying to force Theo off the road. But Theo anticipated the move, his car skidding sideways as he pulled a gun from the glove compartment.

Aari's breath caught in her throat as she saw the weapon, her mind going blank with fear. "Nikol, he has a gun!"

Nikol didn't hesitate. He slammed on the brakes, the car screeching to a halt as Theo's car skidded to a stop just ahead of them. In a flash, Nikol was out of the car, his own gun drawn as he faced Theo.

Aari scrambled out of the car, her heart pounding as she watched the two men square off, their eyes locked in a deadly standoff. "Nikol, don't he is your brother!" she pleaded, but her voice was drowned out by the tension crackling in the air.

Theo's eyes flicked to Aari, his expression softening for a moment as he saw her standing there, her face pale with fear. "Aari," he called, his voice low and coaxing. "Come with me. This doesn't have to end like this."

Nikol's grip tightened on his gun, his voice a low growl as he spoke. "Stay back, Theo. You're not taking her."

Theo's gaze hardened, his finger hovering over the trigger. "She doesn't belong to you, Nikol. She's mine."

Before either man could make a move, Aari stepped forward, her heart pounding in her chest. "Stop it, both of you!" she cried, her voice shaking with emotion. "This is insane! We don't have to do this!"

But the words barely left her lips before everything happened in a blur. Theo's finger tightened on the trigger, and in a split second, Aari acted on instinct, throwing herself in front of Nikol as the gun went off.

The sound of the shot echoed through the night, a deafening crack that seemed to freeze time itself. Aari felt a sharp, searing pain in her side, her breath catching as she stumbled back, her vision blurring.

"Aari!" Nikol's voice was filled with panic as he caught her, his arms wrapping around her as she crumpled to the ground. The world spun around her, the pain radiating through her body like fire as she struggled to stay conscious.

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