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(akaashi pov)

I nearly drop my glass when I see her.

Those familiar warm e/c eyes and that head of h/c hair that swishes behind her as she walks. That lovable laugh that always made me smile and that adorable smile that warmed my heart each time I saw it.

L/n Y/n is a beautiful, sweet, sarcastic, dangerous woman. Maybe it made me fall in love with her even more.

Before I know it I'm handing my glass to Konoha and exiting the conversation, picking my way through the crowd towards her. I weave through the mass amount of people, (since Bokuto knows far too many dang people), keeping my eyes on that h/c swish of hair.

Every time I catch sight of her and think I've finally caughten up she dissapears again. She always was good at our hide and seek games. Eventually I burst out of the crowd and onto the makeshift dance floor, whirling around to look for her.

She sees me the same time I see her.

She's standing on the other side of the dance floor, holding a drink in her hand. She looks just as beautiful as I remember.

"Hey." I mouth, eyes locked onto hers.

"Hey." She mouths back, accompanied by one of those smiles I used to love so much.

"It's been a while." I mouth.

She shrugs, grinning. "Too long, huh?"

I can hardly make out the words, but for some reason I understand her perfectly.

"How've you been?" I ask, feeling a grin growing on my lips.

"Not bad." She smiles, a softer one this time."You?"

"Not bad." I'm grinning like an idiot.

I'm not too sure I care.

"I missed you." I see her mouth, a shy smile on her lips. The same lips I've dreamt of kissing.

"Missed you too." I smirk. "A bunch."

"You idiot!" She mouths, but I can tell she's just as happy to see me.

I can't help myself anymore.

I start walking towards her, taking long strides across the filling dance floor. It feels like both an eternity and just a second before I'm finally in front of her. I drink in the sight.

"Care for a dance, m'lady?"

(your pov)

"Care for a dance, m'lady?"

He extends one hand to me in invitation, bowing dramatically.

"Sure." I smile, taking his hand with mock daintiness.

It's lame but my brain can hardly think of that right now. My heart races as he leads me onto the floor. He's as handsome as I remember, just the same.

"Shall we?" Keiji asks, looking down on me with gentle yet teasing eyes.

"We shall." I smile in reply, giving a curtsy that I hope looked okay.

He just smiles and guides me into the slow dance position, moving to the music.

"What've you been doing?" He asks.

"Not much." I shrug. "Just work and stuff."

"You still have Pepper?" He asks.

"Yeah. She's old as heck but she's still as energetic as ever." I laugh, refering to my dog.

"That's good. I always loved that little thing." He smiles.

"My turn." I smile. "How's work? You're an editor right?"

"It's fine." He shrugs. "Works slow sometimes but it pays the bills so whatever."

"What magazine do you edit for again?" I ask.

"Ah actually I edit for a shonen manga." He chuckles.

"Didn't you wanna be in literature?" I ask, tilting my head.

"I did, but it's a good job nonetheless." He shrugs again. "Maybe someday."

"I hope you get it sometime." I smile.

"Thanks." He smiles.

We share a breathless moment where we don't say anything and he just spins me. I realise I never want this to end. At least being with him, I never want to not be with him. I'd forgotten the feeling.

"Do you still do art?" He asks.

"It's hard when I'm so busy with work alm the time." I say with a wry smile. "But I find time."

"Don't sleep too late drawing." Akaashi sighs, almost amused.

"You know me too well." I smile.

"Yeah well I've known you since kindergarden, that's like twenty years right?" He laughs. "Old habits die hard, huh?"

"Guess you're right." I laugh.

He could always make me laugh, no matter what.

"Where do you live now?" He asks.

"Akaashi Keiji! Are you planning on stalking me?" I say in mock shock.

"Me? Never!" He plays along before we both dissolve into giggles and chuckles. "Actually I was thinking we could meet up for coffee? If you're in the area."

"Yeah I figured." I smile. "I'm in Osaka right now, but I really wanna move back to Tokyo soon. Actually I got a really good job offer at a law firm around here, so I'm just looking for a place to move in."

"You can move in with me."

I stare for a moment, blinking in surprise.


"I-I mean. If you can't find anywhere to stay, you can move in with me for a bit before you get settled." He ammends. "I just- y'know it's just an offer."

"Jee, Keiji." I smirk. "Never took you as the type to offer up your home like that."

"I just miss you a lot." He sighed. "I guess I kinda want you here. In Tokyo. Where you're reachable."

"Careful 'Kaashi." I smile, though it doesn't feel as teasing as I wanted it. "I might think you actually like me."

"You wouldn't be that far from the truth."

Something in his eyes makes me soften. Let down the safety walls that I so meticulously built up.

"I wanna be here too." I say softly. "I wanna be here with you. I miss you a lot too, y'know?"


I look down.

"Osaka is great and all, but I'm starting- no I have been really homesick." I say. "I miss you, and Bo and Mitsu, and Yukie, Kaori, Konoha, all of our friends."


I look up, and I realise the music is fading and we've stopped dancing.

"I think I'll take you up on that offer."


you guys are actually crazy.
it has been THREE DAYS and we've alr gone from 1.13k to 1.17k that is CRAZY to me and im so thankful to you all


this one was rlly cute i actually rlly liked writing it and i loved the lil mini story i made for it
might have to make a part two for it js bc i love it so much
maybe even a whole ass short book if we're gettin crazy
(oh btw their at bokuto and yukies wedding i forgot to mention it in the story)

in other news im unpublishing the todoroki story for now
its just not doing well rn and i have some changes i want to make so if not many ppl are reading it theres not rlly any point in having it up with mistakes

it WILL be returning so ill tell you guys when that happens and yeah

have a good day/night🧚🏼‍♀️


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