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Glenn had woken up, but Riley hadn't yet. Glenn had made Abraham stop and say that he was going back, Abraham was arguing with him.

Tara was going with him, but Riven couldn't. He couldn't leave Riley behind, and he couldn't just drag him.

Riven hoped Riley woke up soon.

As everyone else was arguing, Riven stood in the back of the truck, and he heard the snarls before he saw the walkers.

Eugene grabbed a gun,

"Guys! Walkers!" Riven yelled, catching the others' attention, but gunshots rang out, and Riven fell back,

"Riven!" Tara screamed, and Riven felt the wind get knocked out of him as he fell off the truck, landing roughly on the ground,

Hot searing pain erupted from his shoulder, and Riven let out a sharp gasp as the air returned to his body, and he brought a hand up to his shoulder,


"Riven!" Tara came running over, and her eyes widened, "Oh my god, are you okay?"

"Do I have a sign on me that says "Fucking shoot me?" Riven groaned out, sitting up,

The gunfire stopped, "..you just had to go and match with me, didn't you?" Riven looked up at the sound of Riley's voice, Riley was grinning down at him.

Riven glared at him before his eyes rolled to the back of his eyes, and Tara managed to catch him as his body started to seize.

"Shit." Riley cursed,

"Help! I need help over here!" Tara shouted, and London rushed over, followed by the others. 

Riley got off the truck and walked over, using the truck as support.

"His last seizure lasted a minute." Riley told them,

"He had a seizure before? When?" Glenn questioned, worried as he stared at Riven,

"Back at the prison, when we were all quarantined, vomited blood at the same time," Riley replied,

"My dad thinks.. thought his seizure had nothing to do with the sickness, and I guessed he was right." Riley said, watching as Riven stopper seizing.

"Eugene.." Riven let out a deep breath, "I'm gonna get you back for shooting me."

"I deeply apologize for the misfortune." Eugene replied, and Riven tiredly glared at him,

"Misfortune? Can one of you punch him for me?" Riven asked, groaning as London examined his shoulder,

"I'ma show you misfortune when I feel better." Riven grumbled,

"Great! Just fucking great!" Abraham yelled from the other side of the truck.

"Eugene!" Riven threw a tired grin at Eugene,

"Looks like someone's in trouble." Riven flinched his head away when London reached his hand out,

"The hell?" Riven narrowed his eyes at London, who touched the back of his head,

"No bump, you're lucky you didn't injure yourself further with your fall." London told him,

"I'm going to need you to take off your shirt so I can patch you up." London said, and Riven shook his head,


"Riven, do as he says, the rest of us will be on the other side." Riley told him, and the others gave him a weird look, but they all moved away and towards the other side of the truck.

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