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A car alarm blaring is what tore Riven's attention from the carving he was doing, and Sophia was sitting next to him, quiet, leaning her head on his shoulder, clenching her doll tightly in her arms,

Sophia lifted her head and glanced at Riven, who stood up as the blaring came from a red car that parked itself in front of the RV.

Sophia grabbed ahold of Riven's hand, and Riven glanced down at her before he looked over at the car as the door opened and Glenn got out,

Amy and everyone else started shouting over the alarm, and Sophia leaned closer to Riven as the shouting continued until the alarm was shut off by Shane.

"Okay! Okay! She's okay!" Glenn told Amy who looked relief, and Riven walked over with Sophia,

"..hi, Glenn." Sophia quietly greeted with a small smile, and Glenn looked down at her, surprised to see her holding Riven's hand,

"Uh, hi, Sophia, Riven." Glenn nervously greeted the youngest dixon brother, and Riven looked at him, narrowing his eyes at his nervous behavior.

"What?" Riven questioned when Glenn didn't stop staring at him, and Glenn quickly shook his head,

"Nothing, um..what happened to your head?" Glenn questioned,

"None of your business. Where's my brother?" Riven asked, and Glenn shrugged,

"They were right behind me..oh, here they come." A white van pulled up right behind the red car, parking.

Andrea was the first to exit, and Amy ran over to her crying,

Riven watched as everyone reunited with their families, and he waited for Merle, but he never came out.

"Yo, helicopter boy!" Riven could only watch as Carl reunited with his father, and Lori reunited with her husband, giving Shane a look, yet Merle didn't show up.

Sophia noticed that Merle didn't come out, and she let go of Riven's hand and she moved back towards Glenn, who put his hands on her shoulders, keeping her close just in case a fight broke out,

"..I hate to break up this reunion, but where's my brother?" Riven spoke, catching everyone's attention,

"Riven.." Shane started, but Riven shook his head,

"No, shut up, where's Merle?" Riven questioned, glancing at everyone,

"Is he dead? If he's dead, you can just tell me, don't make me wait." Riven said,

".. he's alive as far as I know." T-dog spoke up, and Riven turned to him, glaring at him,

"As far as you know? What the fuck is that supposed to mean?" Riven questioned, walking towards T-Dog but Shane blocked his way,

"We don't want a repeat of what happened yesterday." Shane said, holding his shotgun in his hands, below his waist,

Riven scoffed, "What? Are you gonna use that on me, hm?" Riven leaned forward, "You gonn' shoot me?"

"Nobody is shooting anybody," Lori spoke up, her voice full of emotion, but it was also firm, and she stepped between the two.

"Now, is Merle dead?" Lori questioned, and T-dog sighs,

"I don't know, I locked the door to the rooftop with chains." T- dog replied,

"Start from the beginning, T!" Riven snapped, and T-Dog looked at him,

"I handcuffed him to the roof because he was being an asshole." Lori's husband's spoke up and Riven turned to look at him, walking over to him,

"You handcuffed my brother to a roof? Who the hell are you?" Riven questioned,

"My name is Rick Grimes, and I'm sorry about your brother, I am." Rick told him, and Riven scoffed,

"I dropped the key down a drain by accident." T-Dog confessed, and Riven shook his head before he surged towards T-Dog, but he was held back by Shane and Rick,

"Get the fuck off me!" Riven pushed Shane and Rick away from him, glaring at all of them,

"Go to hell all of you! I'm going after my brother, where did you leave him behind?" Riven questioned, but nobody said anything,

"You know what? Fuck all of you." Riven turned around and started walking away from the camp.

"Riven! What are you gonna do? Heading to the city by yourself and look for your brother? Hm? Get yourself killed in the progress." Shane blocked his way, and Riven glared at him,

"Get out of my way." Shane shook his head,

"I can't let yourself get killed over a man.."

"That man is my brother! And your people left him behind!" Riven shoved Shane out of his way, but Shane stopped him again,

Riven threw the first punch, and Shane tackled him down to the ground, holding his arm against his throat, cutting off Riven's airway.

Riven gritted his teeth as he lifted his knee, hitting Shane in the crotch before flipping their positions, and he punched Shane only once before he was put in a chokehold and pulled back from Shane,

"Enough! Enough! Calm down." Rick's voice filled his ear, and Riven could feel tears of frustration welled up in his eyes, and his eyes met Sophia's, who was with her mother now, and Riven could feel all the anger in his body leave,

Riven calmed down, and Rick let him go,

"Go to hell." If his voice wavered a bit, that was nobody's problem but his. He walked away from everyone, and further into the camp,

Tears slid down his face and furiously wiped them away, he should wait until Daryl comes back, then he could go and find Merle and give him a piece of his mind for being such an asshole.

Riven made it to his tent and went inside, sitting down, and pulling his knees close to his chest, as he dug his nails into his palms to restrain his anger, his breathing was heavy, and his head was aching,

Merle was a shit brother, but Riven still cared about him, cared more than he liked about his brothers.

Merle might not care as much as Riven cared about him, but that idiot was his brother, and he'll be dammed if he just let him die because of some bigger idiots who left him behind.

1016 words


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