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Karen and David are dead, and the sick are quarantined in a cell block. Riven was quarantined with the sick since he was in contact with them, and Riley was with him.

Riley quarantined himself, but it was the safe choice since he was near the sick. Nobody wanted to risk the sickness spreading to the rest of the prison.

The only problem Riven had with Riley was the fact that they were bunk mates, and Riley snored so loud that Riven wanted him to suffocate him with a pillow.

They weren't the only ones quarantine, Sasha and Glenn joined them a couple hours later, looking pale and sweaty.

Riley and Riven had been helping Hershel, who insisted on taking care of the sick, no matter what.

He didn't care if he got sick, but Riley did, and they argued about it every few hours.

Their voices were loud enough that Maggie almost rushed in, but she had to stop herself from doing so, but it made Riley and hershel stop arguing.

It also made them insufferable to work with. The mood was tense whenever they were around each other, so Riven did the most logical thing he could think of,

He locked them in a cell with Glenn.

"..Riven, you let us right now." Hershel told him with narrowed eyes, and Riven shook his head, placing the keys inside of his jacket.

"No, and don't worry about the others, I'll make sure none of them die." Riven replied, and Glenn groaned,

"Why did you lock me in here?" Glenn questioned, and Riven shrugged,

"Used you as bait and didn't exactly have time to move you," Riven told him, grinning a little, "Look at this as bonding with your in-laws. Maybe you can help them stop arguing every time they're near each other."

"Riven, you can't just lock us in here." Riley spoke, walking over to the cell door and reaching his hand out between the bars,

"Hand me the keys." Riven took a step back,

"No." With that, Riven walked away. Did he feel bad about what he did. No, he didn't.

Riven checked on the people before heading towards another room, where Maggie stood, and Riven tapped the glass to catch her attention.

Maggie snapped her head towards him, and she walked over, "Did you do it?"

Riven nodded, "Lock them in with Glenn."

Maggie nodded, a small smile on her face, "Thank you. I used to do it whenever my dad and Riley argued over things."

"They're gonna be fine. Riley and your dad don't seem to be getting sick." Riven told her, and Maggie sighs,

"It could be delayed. How are you feeling? Carl had said something about a nosebleed?" Maggie questioned, concerned

Riven huffed, "Carl's a snitch," he mumbled, "I'm fine." He told Maggie as Daryl walked over, narrowing his eyes at Riven,

"Bullshit, you look sick." Daryl grumbled, and Riven sighed,

"Okay, I might be feeling a bit off, but I'm fine, you going somewhere?" Riven questioned, and Daryl nodded,

"Yeah, gonna get medication, but it'll be a couple of hours before we come back." Daryl replied, frowning,

"I'll be fine, seriously, just worry about yourself." Riven told him, and Daryl scoffed,

"Easy for you to say, you better not be dead when I return." Daryl said, and Riven grinned,

"Or what? You'll kill me?" Daryl rolled his eyes,


"I'll make sure he's alright." Maggie spoke, a small reassuring smile on her face, and Daryl looked at her, nodding his head.

"Thanks," He turned to Riven, "later, shithead."

Riven flicked him off, a small smile on his face, "later, bigger shithead." Daryl chuckles before leaving,

Maggie let's out a small laugh, but Riven could see the worry she had, and he sighed,

"Hey, I'll take care of them for you, promise." Riven told her, and Maggie smiled,

"Thank you."

"I would pinky swear, but there's glass between us." Riven said, and Maggie held her pinky against the glass, a grin on her face.

Riven chuckles and holds his pinky against the glass, "Don't worry, okay?"

"I'll try."


Riven leaned against the railing, his head down as he took deep breaths, He knew he was sick, and he could feel himself getting worse,

He could hear Riley and hershel arguing, shouting at each other,

"Riven, are you okay?" Riven lifted his head and turned to look at Lizzie, who was also sick, but she didn't look sick as the others.

Riven gave her a small smile before a cough escaped him, and he places his arm over his mouth to cover his cough but specks of blood flew out of his mouth and into the jacket that Daryl had managed to find for him after he ruined yet another one.

It was almost similar to Daryl's with the angel wings on the back.

"Shit." He cursed when he saw the blood, and he gripped the railing as he went to walk towards Glenn cell to unlock the door, but as he took a step, his legs gave out, and he fell to the ground, his body seizing as his eyes rolled to the back of his head.

Lizzie's eyes widened, "hershel! Hershel! Help! Riven's having a seizure!"

The arguing stopped, "We're locked in Glenn's cell! Riven has the keys, Lizzie, grab the keys and unlock the door!" Riley shouted,

Lizzie rushed over to Riven, kneeling beside him, as she searched his pockets for the keys before finding them, and she stood up, running up the stairs and towards Glenn cell,

Her hands shake as she shakily tries to open the door, "Hey, give them to me." Riley told her in a gentle but frantic voice.

Lizzie passed the keys to Riley, who quickly found the key to Glenn's cell, and unlocked it before pushing the door open and running to help Riven, hershel followed as quickly as he could.

Glenn slowly followed, and Riley reached Riven first. Blood escaped from Riven's lips as he continued to seize.

"Turn him on his side!" Hershel demanded, and Riley turned Riven on his side,

"Is he dying?" Lizzie questioned from where she stood beside Glenn,

Riven stopped seizing, and he weakly gasped as he puked out blood, and Riley held him, sharing a worried look with his father.

"Let's take him to his room."


1061 words

It's not my best chapter


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