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Merle had patched up Riven's leg before leaving. Riven didn't tell him what the governor did, He couldn't. It was his secret, and nobody was going to find out

Riven couldn't untie himself since the governor put handcuffs on him. He handcuffed him to a pipe. It was rusted, though, so maybe it could break.

He's been pulling on it, roughly, the pipe creaked but didn't break, his arms were aching, his wrists were burning every time the metal cuffs met his skin.

He felt something sliding down his arms, and he was pretty sure he made himself bleed, but he didn't care.

The only thing he cared about was getting free and finding the governor and putting a bullet in his head.

He decided that he shouldn't focus on being shameful or sad about what the governor did, He decided to be angry and focused all his anger on the governor, on revenge.

He was going to kill him, no matter what, no matter if he dies in the progress,

The governor was going to die.

Riven gritted his teeth, and he roughly pulled once more. The pipe broke, and he groaned as he lowered his arms as he slipped the cuffs out of the pipe.

He took a deep breath before he pushed himself over to the metal table, and once reaching the table, he used it as supposed as he pulled himself up,

Almost falling as his leg almost gave out, he managed to catch himself, and he breathed through the pain,

He looked down at his wrists and saw they were bruised and cut, his skin was paler than before, and he let out a sigh, before he limped over to the door,

He reached out for the doorknob and grinned a little as he found the door unlocked, and he quietly opened the door and peeked his head out, there were no guards around.

He found it suspicious, but he couldn't stay. He snuck out of the room, closing the door behind him, and he glances to his left before glancing at his right, and he decides to go right.

He limped down the hallway, the lights were dim and flickering, almost like in some creepy horror movie.

He paused as he heard footsteps and voices coming down from the other hall, and he cursed, glancing around before seeing a room, and he quickly tried the door, finding it unlocked and he rushed inside, slowly closing the door but not fully.

He waited until whoever it was passed, and once they were gone, Riven walked out of the room and continued walking down the hallway.

Riven walked for a while until he found an exit. It was dark outside, and there weren't any townspeople,

It seemed like luck was on his side tonight. Still, he couldn't be careless or reckless.

He decided to head to the infirmary first. He couldn't afford to lose more blood. Plus, he needed to get those handcuffs off of him, and he needed to get a weapon.

He was sure the weaponry would be guarded, but he thinks the infirmary won't be.

Riven hid in the shadows as he made his way through the town of Woodbury towards the infirmary.

It didn't take long for him to arrive at the infirmary, and he tried the door, finding it unlocked.

He was starting to wonder if the governor even locked doors.

He snuck inside, closing the door behind him. He didn't turn on the lights. He didn't want to attract attention to himself.

He searched through the infirmary before finding a small scalpel, and he used it to pick at the handcuffs, struggling for a while before a click was heard and the handcuffs fell from around his wrists,

He lets out a small relief sigh before wincing as pain blossomed through his wrists to his arms.

He searched for bandages, and he found some wrapping his wrists before searching for some pain medication.

He found the bottle of pain medication, but he held it in his hand. The urge to just swallow all of them was strong, and he tossed the bottle to the side.

It broke as it met the wall, the pills shattered across the floor, and he cursed,

He closed his eyes as he leaned his head against the pill cabinet. His hands were shaking, "Stop it," he mumbled to himself,

"Stop being so pathetic. It's just a bit of pain. You handle worse." Riven muttered to himself before opening his eyes,

He wasn't suicidal..not anymore. He didn't know why he had the sudden urge to take all the pills.

He shook his head and pushed himself away from the pill cabinet. He took the scalpel and the cuffs. He could use them as brass knuckles.

He walked out of the infirmary, and he flinched as gunfire sounded in a distance.

He cursed and rushed to find the governor, nobody gets to kill that fucker but him.

Screams were heard, followed by more gunshots.

Riven ignored it all as he headed towards the governors place, and he arrived soon,

People were rushing around, paying no attention to him, and he sneaked into the governors place and found it quiet.

A creak was heard, and Riven tensed before he quietly went towards the sound of the creak,

It was another room, the door was slightly ajar, and he pushed the door open, only to be met with something cold and sharp against his neck.

He saw a familiar face staring back at him, and a grin appeared on his face, "thought I told you to fuck off."

Michonne grins back, lowering her sword, relieved to see Riven still alive.

"You knew i wouldn't." Riven chuckles, and he limps over, throwing his arms around Michonne, who looked surprised, but she chuckled,

"Miss me that much?"

Riven holds her tighter, "yeah," he hums, "something like that."

Michonne noticed that something was off about Riven, but before she could ask, someone walked into the room, and Riven pulled himself from Michonne, his body tensing, and anger filled his body,

"You son of bitch!"


1025 words


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