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"I said it. Didn't i say it? A thousand times, dead in the water." Dale said, shaking his head,

"Problem, Dale?" Shane questioned, coming up to Dale, and Dale looks at him,

"Oh, just a small matter of being stuck in the middle of nowhere, with no hope of - Okay, that was dumb." Dale replied, cutting himself off as he saw the abandoned cars.

"Can't find a radiator hose here." Shane said, and Daryl walks up,

'There's a whole bunch of stuff we can find." Daryl told them, and T-Dog nods in agreement,

"Can siphon more fuel from these cars for a start." T- dog suggested, and Riven, who had been quiet since the RV had stopped, stepped back from the engine, with a smirk,

"Good luck, suckin'." Riven turns around and walks away,

"Yo! Why do you gotta make it dirty!?" T- dog questioned, shaking his head, and Riven chuckles under his breath,

"Hey, wait up!" Carl and Sophia caught up with Riven, walking beside him, and Riven looks down at them,

"No. You two go back to your mom's and leave me be." Riven told them,

"Our mom said as long as we're in their sight, and we're still in their sights, and so are you." Carl replied with a grin,

"Yeah?" Riven moves between cars, making the children pause, "Now, I'm not in their sight, so that means, buh-bye." Riven sarcastically waves before walking away from them and further down the hallway, stopping to search cars.

He didn't really find anything interesting until he searched a blue van. He found a sketch book with sketching supplies, and he held it in his hand with a frown.

"..dad's not here anymore," Startled, Riven snapped his head towards his left, seeing Daryl, searching through a car,

"You should take it if you want." Daryl told him as he looked at him, and Riven huffs,

"Why? So you can call me a wuss? Make fun of me?" Riven questioned, tossing the sketch books and sketching supplies back into the van and slamming the door shut,

"Yeah, no thanks." Riven walked away from Daryl, who frowns as he watches Riven walk away,

Riven could feel Daryl's eyes on him, and he scoffed under his breath, lifting his head , about to say something, but movement caught his attention,

"Shit." He cursed under his breath, quickly turning around,

"Walkers!" He whispered, shouting to Daryl as he rushed past him, but Daryl stopped him, "I have to warn the others." Riven told him, turning to face him.

"Shut up and under the car, now." Daryl demanded, forcing Riven under a car before he rushed off, and Riven cursed, about to leave, but he moves back as walkers start to pass him.

Their feet staggered, they bounced against cars and each other,

Riven could feel his breathing picking up as feeling as if the car was closing in on him. He brought his hands up to his ears,clenching his eyes shut,

His heart was rapidly beating in his chest as if it were about to explode. The snarls became nothing but a noise in the back of his head as blood rushed in his ears,

"..I'm under a car," Riven thought to himself, "I'm not with dad." Riven held his breath, repeating the sentence in his head over and over again.

He let out a deep breath as he opened his eyes. The walkers had passed him, and he quickly got out from under the car, leaning against it as he tried to calm his rapid heart,

"Stop being pathetic, Riven," He angrily muttered to himself, hitting his chest, hard enough that it pulse in pain.

"Dad's dead, dad's dead, why can't you fucking understand that?" He shook his head before rushing himself off the car, and headed towards the others,

He reached the group, and saw Carol crying as Lori held her, and Riven heart drops as he didn't see Sophia.

"..where's Sophia?" Riven questioned, making everyone turn to look at him, "Where is she?!"

"Riven.." Lori started, but Riven cut her off,

"Shut up! Where's Sophia?" Riven questioned, but nobody answered him,

Rick approached the group, "Where is she? Where's my daughter? Is she dead?"

Rick shook his head, "No, but she's missing."

"What do you mean she's missing? Where is she? How the fuck did she go missing?" Riven questioned, glaring at everyone,

"She got scared by the walkers and she ran," Carl spoke, his voice shaky, "two walkers went after her, and dad went after her too."

"Wasn't anyone keeping an eye on her!?" Riven snapped, looking at Carol, who just cried,

"Riven." Daryl called out his name, and Riven snaps his head over at Daryl, and Daryl shakes his head at him, as If telling him to drop it.

Riven glared at him, and he turned to Rick, walking over to him, and he pushed him back,

Rick stumbled back ,".. You were supposed to protect her!" Riven yelled, pushing Rick back, and Rick let him, "You went after her, and you were supposed to protect her!"

"Riven.." Lori started, but she trailed as she noticed the tears in Riven's eyes,

"You had her! You fucking had her! so why is she gone!" Riven shouted, letting out his anger at Rick,

he wasn't angry at Rick, he was angry at himself, He should've protected Sophia, he should've went after her, and it was his fault that she was missing but it was easier to let out his anger on Rick.

He should've let Sophia stay with him. He shouldn't have been such a jerk.

"Hey, hey, calm down!" Shane interrupted, pushing Riven back, and Riven scoffed as him,

"Fuck you, asshole! Where did you leave her?" Riven questioned, looking at Rick,

"You ain't going out there," Daryl said, but Riven clenched his jaw in anger, "We'll go, you stay back, stay with her." Daryl gestured to Carol,

Riven looks back at Carol, and he feels all the anger in his body leave. His unshed tears slide down his face as he lowers his head.

Daryl stares at his brother before walking past him, gesturing for Rick and Shane to follow.

"Riven?" Lori softly called out, and Riven shook his head,

"Fuck off."

1046 words


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