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Jumping down from the back of the van, Riven looked over at the warehouse, walking to stand besides Tara and Noah.

Apparently, whatever Eugene needed was in that warehouse. Glenn, Tara, Noah, Riven, Eugene, and some guys had gone to get whatever Eugene needed from this warehouse.

Riven didn't have much to do since he wasn't assigned a job or anything, so he agreed to go on the run when Glenn asked him if he wanted to join.

He had left Oreo back in Alexandria with Judith since he didn't want to risk losing Oreo on this run.

A walker snarling caught their attention, "Noah, heads up."

Noah lifted his gun and shot the walker in the head. The gunshot was silent due to the silencer on the gun.

"..So you're aware, I'm on record as stating that I should not be here," Eugene spoke, glancing around nervously,

"You well know that I'm not combat ready or even for that matter combat inclined." Eugene told them,

Riven turned to look at Eugene, "Eugene, shut up."

"You never are until you are," Tara spoke, "but you gotta start pulling your weight. You know I did."

"All things being equal, I do believe my weight's been pulled. I got you all to DC, which, in this man's opinion, is damn near Nirvana by current standards." Eugene replied, and Riven shook his head, stopping Tara from continuing the conversation

"T, don't. The man is a coward. Let him be." Riven told her, and Tara sighed, shaking her head.

"For the record, we got you to DC, Eugene." Tara said,

The conversation ended as the group made their way inside of the warehouse.

"..hey, aren't you supposed to be like sick or something?" Riven glanced at the man who was walking beside him.

Distantly, Riven recalled, his name being Nicolas or something. Honestly, Riven didn't care.

"Like, have some type of disease?" Nicolas asked, and Riven scoffed, narrowing his eyes into a glare.

London had told him that he might have epilepsy and that he should be careful, especially when going out, but it wasn't a disease.

"I'm not sick, and it's not a disease." Riven harshly said before he walked away from Nicolas.

He hated the fact that people thought he was weak because of his seizures.

He scoffed under his breath and shook his head, and he halted his steps as walkers appeared.

He pulled out his knives, and started to take his anger out on the dead, violently stabbing them in the head before a loud explosion sounded, sending Riven down to the ground, along with the walkers that were around him.

He let out a small groan, coughing as he pushed himself to stand up.

"..Riven! Are you okay?!" Glenn's voice rang out as Riven fully stood up, shelves blocking his way from going to the others.

"Yeah, I'm fine! The others?" Riven replied, picking up his knives from the ground.

"Tara's hurt. Aiden is dead." Glenn told him, his voice seemed closer yet far.

Snarls were heard, and Riven snapped his head towards the sound. "Shit." He cursed,

"Riven, can you make your way over!?" Glenn asked, and Riven sighed, gripping his knives tightly,

"Yeah!, just gotta deal with a problem first."


Riley was seriously going to have a long chat with Riven once he returns from the run.

The kid didn't even tell him that he was leaving. He had to be told by Maggie, who thought he knew. Otherwise, she wouldn't have let him go.

She was already worried about letting him leave Alexandria because he could have a seizure while nobody was paying attention and could get himself killed, but if anyone tried to even make Riven, stay behind the walls of Alexandria,

Well, it won't be a pretty sight. She trusted Glenn to look after Riven, but Riley didn't fully trust Glenn to look after Riven.

Don't get him wrong. He loves Glenn like any brother in law would, but Glenn could sometimes get a bit distracted, and Riven just happens to be an expert on just disappearing.

Riven could be standing next to someone one minute, and the next he was gone. He could, anywhere and the next second, he's either behind you or standing next to you.

Riven loved doing that, but he also had to understand that he couldn't be doing that anymore, just disappearing without warning anyone.

He had to understand that his seizures were serious and he couldn't be alone, but Riven was stubborn and impulsive.

"..excuse me," Riley snapped out of his thoughts by a female voice, and he turned his head, seeing a woman just a bit older than him, maybe around the same age as Daryl.

"I'm looking for Riven. Is he around?" She questioned, seeming almost anxious in a way.

She smelled like cigarettes and a faint hint of alcohol.

She didn't seem the type of person for Riven to be hanging around with.

Suspicious, Riley shook his head, "No. He went out. Don't know when he'll be back, may I ask who you are?"

The woman seemed disappointed by his response, and she let out a small sigh, "My name is Esme. I'm sorry to have bothered you."

Riley watched as the woman, Esme, walked away. Something about her was familiar.

It was her eyes. Her eyes reminded him of Riven's eyes and features, almost similar to Riven's.

Riley shook his head. It couldn't be, could it? Could she be Riven's mother? They looked alike, but it didn't matter.

Whatever that woman wanted from Riven,well, he wasn't going to let her take advantage of Riven.

If she really was Riven's mother, he couldn't just let her walk back into his life after abandoning him when he was just a baby to an abusive father and a shitty home.

She was the cause of Riven's seizures, and partly Riven's father was too blamed for that.

She looked like she wasn't doing so well. The smell of her was just a hint that she wasn't doing so well.

He should talk to daryl first and confirm it before doing anything.


1027 words

Shorter chapter ):


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